printf("-r <value> \t pressure range from amorphous SiCx (default %d)\n",DEFAULT_A_P_RANGE);
printf("-f <value> \t faktor for pressure from amorphous SiCx (default %f)\n",DEFAULT_A_P_FAKTOR);
printf("-p <value> \t p0 for probability of cell getting amorph (default %f)\n",DEFAULT_A_P_P0);
- printf("-C <value> \t C start concentration (default %d)\n",DEFAULT_C_DIST_START_CONC);
+ printf("-C <value> \t C disribution start concentration (default %d)\n",DEFAULT_C_DIST_START_CONC);
printf("-S <value> \t slope of linear C distribution (default %d)\n",DEFAULT_C_DIST_SLOPE);
+ printf("-b <value> \t initial C concentration (default %d)\n",DEFAULT_C_C0);
puts("-R <file> \t read random data from file (default not used)");
puts("-D <file> \t dump cell info into <file> (default not used)");
puts("-L <file> \t load cell info and display it (default no)");