+ {\large\bf\boldmath
+ C \hkl<1 0 0> migration - yet another method!
+ }
+ {\color{red}Problem:}
+ Abrubt changes in atomic configurations (and energy)
+ in consecutive steps.
+ In addition - sometimes - the final configuration is not obtained!
+ {\color{blue}New method:}
+ Displace {\color{red}all} atoms towards the final configuration
+ and apply corresponding constraints for each atom.
+ Usage:
+ (\href{http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/~zirkelfr/download/posic/sd_rot_all-atoms.patch}{Patch})
+cubic diamond
+ 5.48000000000000
+ 2.9909698580839312 0.0039546630279804 -0.0039658085666586
+ 0.0039548953566878 2.9909698596656376 -0.0039660323646892
+ -0.0039680658132861 -0.0039674231313905 2.9909994291263242
+ 216 1
+Transformed selective dynamics
+ 0.994174 0.994174 -0.000408732 T F T 45 36.5145
+ 0.182792 0.182792 0.981597 T F T -135 -5.95043
+ ...
+ 0.119896 0.119896 0.0385525 T F T -135 21.8036
+ {\large\bf\boldmath
+ BC to \hkl<0 0 -1> migration (all atoms CRT)
+ }
+ \includegraphics[width=6cm]{im_00-1_nosym_sp_fullct.ps}
+ \includegraphics[width=6cm]{im_00-1_nosym_sp_fullct_rc.ps}
+ {\large\bf\boldmath
+ \hkl<0 0 -1> to \hkl<0 -1 0> migration (all atoms CRT)
+ }
+ \includegraphics[width=6cm]{00-1_0-10_nosym_sp_fullct.ps}
+ \includegraphics[width=6cm]{00-1_0-10_nosym_sp_fullct_rc.ps}
+ {\large\bf\boldmath
+ \hkl<0 0 -1> to \hkl<0 -1 0> migration in place (all atoms CRT)
+ }
+ \includegraphics[width=6cm]{00-1_ip0-10_nosym_sp_fullct.ps}
+ \includegraphics[width=6cm]{00-1_ip0-10_nosym_sp_fullct_rc.ps}
+ in progress ...