]> hackdaworld.org Git - lectures/latex.git/history - posic/talks/defense.txt
vor eis
[lectures/latex.git] / posic / talks / defense.txt
2012-01-05 hackbardvor eis
2012-01-05 hackbardsec checkin (finished until p12)
2012-01-05 hackbardnearly finished
2012-01-04 hackbardonly summary and outlook missing
2012-01-04 hackbardsec checkin (starting sic prec sims now)
2012-01-04 hackbardstarting combos now
2012-01-04 hackbardmore tomorrow!
2012-01-03 hackbardnow starting results sections ...
2012-01-02 hackbarda bit more ...
2012-01-02 hackbardmore defense talk ...
2011-12-31 hackbardinitial checkin of defense talk