From 3cdb9b7c9f0732840c6327cfed10d679101522e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hackbard Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 16:24:11 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] added german cv --- cv/cv_german.tex | 168 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 168 insertions(+) create mode 100644 cv/cv_german.tex diff --git a/cv/cv_german.tex b/cv/cv_german.tex new file mode 100644 index 0000000..580fc1e --- /dev/null +++ b/cv/cv_german.tex @@ -0,0 +1,168 @@ +\documentclass[a4paper,10pt]{article} + +\usepackage{marvosym} +%\usepackage{fontspec} % xetex and fonts +\usepackage{url,parskip} % formatting +%\usepackage{xunicode,xltxtra} % other packages for xetex + +% Graphics - Colors +\RequirePackage{color,graphicx} +\usepackage[usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} + +% better formatting of the A4 page +\usepackage[empty]{fullpage} + +\usepackage{supertabular} % for Grades +\usepackage{titlesec} % custom section + +% Setup hyperref package, and colours for links +\usepackage{hyperref} +\definecolor{linkcolour}{rgb}{0,0.2,0.6} +\hypersetup{colorlinks,breaklinks,urlcolor=linkcolour,linkcolor=linkcolour} + +% xetex & fonts +%\defaultfontfeatures{Mapping=tex-text} +%\setmainfont[SmallCapsFont = Fontin SmallCaps]{Fontin} + +% CV Sections inspired by: +% +\titleformat{\section}{\large\scshape\raggedright}{}{0em}{}[\titlerule] +\titlespacing{\section}{0pt}{3pt}{3pt} + +%-------BEGIN DOCUMENT-------- +\begin{document} + +\pagestyle{empty} + + %--------------------TITLE------------- +\par{\centering +{\Huge\textsc{Frank Zirkelbach} } +\bigskip\par} + +\section{Daten zur Person} +\begin{tabular}{rl} +\textsc{Geburtsort und Datum:} & Berlin, Deutschland | 17. November 1977\\ +\textsc{Adresse:} & R\"omerweg 10, 86391 Stadtbergen, Germany\\ +\textsc{Telefon:} & +49 821 436915 / +49 175 5228066\\ +\textsc{email:} & \href{}{}\\ +\textsc{http:} & \href{}{\textasciitilde{}zirkelfr}\\ +\end{tabular} +\begin{picture}(0,0)(-23,27) +%\includegraphics[height=2.3cm]{img/frank_app_ult.eps} +\includegraphics[height=2.3cm]{img/frank_app_mountain.eps} +\end{picture} + +\section{Berufserfahrung} +\begin{tabular}{r|p{11cm}} +\textsc{M\"ar 2012 - Present} & \textbf{Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter (Postdoc)}\newline + Max Planck Institut f\"ur Festk\"orperforschung, Stuttgart\\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\textsc{Jan 2006 - Jan 2012} & \textbf{Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter \& Promotionsstudent}\newline + Institut f\"ur Physik, Universit\"at Augsburg \\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\textsc{Jul 2009 - Dez 2009} & \textbf{Wissenschaftlicher Angestellter}\newline + Lehrstuhl f\"ur theoretische Physik, Universit\"at Paderborn\\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\end{tabular} + +\section{Schulische Ausbildung} +\begin{tabular}{r|p{11cm}} +\textsc{Sep 1988 - Jul 1998} & \textbf{Hochschulreife}\newline + Justus-von-Liebig-Gymnasium, Neus\"a\ss\newline + Holbein-Gymnasium, Augsburg\\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\textsc{Sep 1984 - Jul 1988} & \textbf{Grundschule}\newline + Ernst-Habermann-Grundschule, Berlin, Wilmersdorf\\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\end{tabular} + +\section{Wehrersatzdienst} +\begin{tabular}{r|p{11cm}} +\textsc{Aug 1998 - Sep 1999} & \textbf{Zivieldienst}\newline + Hessing-Klinik, Augsburg\\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\end{tabular} + +\section{Wissenschaftliche Ausbildung} +\begin{tabular}{r|p{11cm}} +\textsc{Jan 2006 - Jan 2012} & \textbf{Promotion im Fach Physik}\newline + Institut f\"ur Physik, Universit\"at Augsburg\newline + {\small + \begin{tabular}{lp{10cm}} + Titel: & + {\em + Atomistic simulation study on + silicon carbide precipitation in silicon}\\ + \end{tabular} + }\\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\textsc{Jul 2009 - Jan 2012} & \textbf{Forschungskollaboration mit der Universit\"at Paderborn}\newline + Institut f\"ur theoretische Physik, Department Physik\\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\textsc{Jan 2006 - Dez 2008} & \textbf{Promotionsstipendium}\newline + Bayerische Forschungsstiftung\\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\textsc{Okt/Nov 2007} & \textbf{Forschungsaufenthalt an der Universi\"at von Helsinki}\\ +\textsc{Aug/Sep 2008} & Division of Materials Physics, Department of Physics\\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\textsc{Okt 1999 - Dez 2005} & \textbf{Studium im Fach Physik}\newline + Institut f\"ur Physik, Universit\"at Augsburg\newline + {\small + \begin{tabular}{lp{10cm}} + Titel: & + {\em + Monte-Carlo-Simulation von selbstorganisierten nanometrischen\newline + SiC$_x$-Ausscheidungen in C$^+$-implantierten Silizium}\\ + \end{tabular} + }\\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\end{tabular} + +\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Ver\"offentlichungen} +\renewcommand{\refname}{Ver\"offentlichungen} +\bibliography{../bibdb/bibdb}{} +\bibliographystyle{cv} +\nocite{zirkelbach12,zirkelbach11,zirkelbach10,zirkelbach09} +\nocite{zirkelbach2007,zirkelbach2006,zirkelbach2005} +\vspace*{0.3cm} + +\section{Computerkenntnisse} +\begin{tabular}{r|p{11cm}} +\textsc{Betriebssysteme} & Linux, Unix, Windows, MacOS (geordnet nach Kompetenz)\\ +%\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\textsc{Programmierung} & C, Fortran, C++, + RISC Assembler (Atmel, Mips), VHDL\\ +\textsc{H\"ochstleistungsrechnen} & POSIX Threads, OpenMP, MPI, + LoadLeveler, Grid Engine, PBS\\ +%\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\textsc{Skriptsprachen} & Bash, Sed, Awk, Make\\ +%\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\textsc{Revisionskontrolle} & CVS, Git, SVN\\ +%\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\textsc{Text, Layout \& Grafik} & LaTeX, GNUPlot, Gimp, XFig, + Inkscape, Openoffice, Povray, VMD\\ +%\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\textsc{Wissenschaftlich} & VASP, ABINIT, Quantum-Espresso, + Fhi98PP, APE, Mathematica\\ +\textsc{Andere} & Eagle (Platinenlayout), Xilinx ISE (Entwurf digitaler Logik), GDB\\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\end{tabular} + +\section{Sprachen} +\begin{tabular}{r|p{11cm}} +\textsc{Deutsch} & Muttersprache\\ +\textsc{Englisch} & Sehr gut (in Wort \& Schrift)\\ +\textsc{Franz\"osisch} & Grundlagen\\ +\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\end{tabular} + +\section{Freizeitaktivit\"aten} +\begin{tabular}{r|p{11cm}} +\textsc{Sport} & Wandern, Trekking, Basketball, Volleyball\\ +\textsc{Technisch} & Programmieren, Mikrocontroller \& digitale Schaltungen\\ +\textsc{Lesen} & Politische \& soziologische Beitr\"age\\ +%\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs +\end{tabular} + +\end{document} + -- 2.39.2