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[hdw] lots of updates

hi folks,

i recently updated lots of packages, fixed several bugs and improved some scripts. i finished building the all-stable (new) target a few weeks ago. hdw-get (beside the fact that the runtime dependency detection is still a mess) and the fai install routine are _starting_ to rock! the binaries + release of hdw-linux-1.0 are not yet uploaded and probably won't be untill the end of the year. (you could try to use hackdaworld.dyndns.info (@home) as the hdw-get binary source but it probably will be offline most of the time). there are some things i want to add for 1.0:
- iso install image
- update to gcc4
- packages updates (as this process will take lots of time)
- improve cross build system and check other archs (mips, ppc, sparc64)
- new runtime and build dependency detection routine
- tons of "minimal" fixes and imrpovements
- documentation (enhance/rewrite)
though, you guys may checkout latest cvs version and try to build. suggestions concernig the above todo appreciated. for package updates you may also send 'diff -u' patches!

after the 1.0 release i am going to rewrite the core scripts, so we may no longer be compatible to 1.0. but i think it's a good idea as i have been extremly unexperienced at the time starting to write the hdw scripts.

keep on hacking'


ps: what do you think about moving from cvs to git (the way the kernel hackers do their development? http://kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/ )


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