X-Git-Url: https://hackdaworld.org/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;ds=inline;f=posic%2Fthesis%2Fsic.tex;h=ca9adedc9b8021e1201b0b532a556755bfeb79ec;hb=9f6e7316fb4233586a256546083b9964e16a8e71;hp=77e41a2da6b60971bb2ebec2dfd1fa6b8b667c7d;hpb=f316cc9ddb491de92198b606180c19aecfc88ddf;p=lectures%2Flatex.git diff --git a/posic/thesis/sic.tex b/posic/thesis/sic.tex index 77e41a2..ca9aded 100644 --- a/posic/thesis/sic.tex +++ b/posic/thesis/sic.tex @@ -220,15 +220,45 @@ Solving this issue remains a challenging problem necessary to drive SiC for pote Although tremendous progress has been achieved in the above-mentioned growth methods during the last decades, available wafer dimensions and crystal qualities are not yet statisfactory. Thus, alternative approaches to fabricate SiC have been explored. +The \ac{IBS} technique, i.e. high-dose ion implantation followed by a high-temperature annealing step, turned out to constitute a promising method to directly form compound layers of high purity and accurately controllable depth and stoichiometry. +A short chronological summary of the \ac{IBS} of SiC and its origins is presented in the following. High-dose carbon implantation into \ac{c-Si} with subsequent or in situ annealing was found to result in SiC microcrystallites in Si \cite{borders71}. -\ac{RBS} and \ac{IR} spectroscopy investigations indicate a \unit[10]{at.\%} C concentration peak and the occurence of disordered C-Si bonds after implantation at room temperature followed by crystallization into SiC precipitates upon annealing demonstrated by a shift in the \ac{IR} absorption band and the disappearance of the C profile peak in \ac{RBS}. - -Utilized and enhanced, 30 years devel ... (-32) -By understanding some basci processes (32-36), \ac{IBS} nowadays has become a promising method to form thin SiC layers of high quality exclusively of the 3C polytype embedded in and epitactically aligned to the Si host featuring a sharp interface \cite{lindner99,lindner01,lindner02}. +\ac{RBS} and \ac{IR} spectroscopy investigations indicate a \unit[10]{at.\%} C concentration peak and the occurence of disordered C-Si bonds after implantation at \ac{RT} followed by crystallization into SiC precipitates upon annealing demonstrated by a shift in the \ac{IR} absorption band and the disappearance of the C profile peak in \ac{RBS}. +Implantations at different temperatures revealed a strong influence of the implantation temperature on the compound structure \cite{edelman76}. +Temperatures below \unit[500]{$^{\circ}$C} result in amorphous layers, which is transformed into polycrystalline 3C-SiC after \unit[850]{$^{\circ}$C} annealing. +Otherwise single crystalline 3C-SiC is observed for temperatures above \unit[600]{$^{\circ}$C}. +Annealing temperatures necessary for the onset of the amorphous to crystalline transition have been confirmed by further studies \cite{kimura81,kimura82}. +Overstoichiometric doses result in the formation of clusters of C, which do not contribute to SiC formation during annealing up to \unit[1200]{$^{\circ}$C} \cite{kimura82}. +The amount of formed SiC, however, increases with increasing implantation temperature. +The authors, thus, concluded that implantations at elevated temperatures lead to a reduction in the annealing temperatures required for the synthesis of homogeneous layers of SiC. +In a comparative study of O, N and C implantation into Si, the absence of the formation of a stoichiometric SiC compound layer involving the transition of a Gaussian into a box-like C profile with respect to the implantation depth for the superstoichiometric C implantation and an annealing temeprature of \unit[1200]{$^{\circ}$C} in contrast to the O and N implantations, which successfully form homogeneous layers, has been observed \cite{reeson86}. +This was attrubuted to the difference in the enthalpy of formation of the respective compound and the different mobility of the respective impurity in bulk Si. +Thus, higher annealing temperatures and longer annealing times were considered necessary for the formation of homogeneous SiC layers. +Indeed, for the first time, buried homogeneous and stoichiometric epitaxial 3C-SiC layers embedded in single crystalline Si were obtained by the same group consequently applying annealing temperatures of \unit[1405]{$^{\circ}$C} for \unit[90]{min} and implantation temperatures of approximately \unit[550]{$^{\circ}$C} \cite{reeson87}. +The necessity of the applied extreme temperature and time scale is attributed to the stability of substitutional C within the Si matrix being responsible for high activation energies necessary to dissolve such precipitates and, thus, allow for redistribution of the implanted C atoms. +In order to avoid extreme annealing temperatures close to the melting temperature of Si, triple-energy implantations in the range from \unit[180-190]{keV} with stoichiometric doses at a constant target temperature of \unit[860]{$^{\circ}$C} achieved by external substrate heating were performed \cite{martin90}. +It was shown that a thick buried layer of SiC is directly formed during implantation, which consists of small, only slightly misorientated but severely twinned 3C-SiC crystallites. +The authors assumed that due to the auxiliary heating rather than ion beam heating as employed in all the preceding studies, the complexity of the remaining defects in the synthesized structure is fairly reduced. +Even better qualities by direct synthesis were obtained for implantations at \unit[950]{$^{\circ}$C} \cite{nejim95}. +Since no amorphous or polycrystalline regions have been identified, twinning is considered to constitute the main limiting factor in the \ac{IBS} of SiC. + +Further studies revealed the possibility to form buried layers of SiC by IBS at moderate substrate and anneal temperatures \cite{lindner95}. +Different doses of C ions with an energy of \unit[180]{keV} were implanted at \unit[330-440]{$^{\circ}$C} and annealed at \unit[1200]{$^{\circ}$C} or \unit[1250]{$^{\circ}$C} for \unit[5-10]{h}. +For a critical dose, which was found to depend on the orientation of the Si substrate, corresponding to a \unit[50]{at.\%} C concentration at the implantation peak, C atoms get redistributed appropriately resulting in the formation of a stoichiometric buried layer of SiC exhibiting a well-defined interface to the Si host matrix. +Redistribution of the excess C in case of overstoichiometric implantations is not observed. +Higher implantation energies were found to result in layers of variable composition exhibiting randomly distributed SiC precipitates. + +high t -> direct SiC formation -> no redistribution ... + +.. lindner limit in dose -> 1250 +... two temp implantation ... sharp interface +By understanding some basic processes (32-36), \ac{IBS} nowadays has become a promising method to form thin SiC layers of high quality exclusively of the 3C polytype embedded in and epitactically aligned to the Si host featuring a sharp interface \cite{lindner99,lindner01,lindner02}. \section{Substoichiometric concentrations of carbon in crystalline silicon} +diffusion mechanism, lattice distortion, hmm ... extra section needed? + \section{Assumed cubic silicon carbide conversion mechanisms} \label{section:assumed_prec} @@ -237,4 +267,8 @@ on surface ... md contraction along 110 ... kitabatake ... and ref in lindner .. in ibs ... lindner and skorupa ... nejim however ... + high temps -> good alignment with substrate + C occupies predominantly substitutional lattice sites + also indictaed by other direct synthesis experiments like martin90 and conclusions of reeson8X ... +eichhornXX, koegler, lindner ...