X-Git-Url: https://hackdaworld.org/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=posic%2Fthesis%2Fbasics.tex;h=0e62f52459d15319738bdc7228cdec2b75c41e07;hb=3461fcb9d5e496f1deea8c5ad3d61e7a8fbcea3a;hp=391af4027fe327c2d31582d220f33688399f1016;hpb=6d1beb256b75bb20d1d5e50ca81ed4da17789daa;p=lectures%2Flatex.git diff --git a/posic/thesis/basics.tex b/posic/thesis/basics.tex index 391af40..0e62f52 100644 --- a/posic/thesis/basics.tex +++ b/posic/thesis/basics.tex @@ -1,14 +1,14 @@ \chapter{Basic principles of utilized simulation techniques} \label{chapter:basics} -In the following the simulation methods used within the scope of this study are introduced. +In the following, the simulation methods used within the scope of this study are introduced. Enabling the investigation of the evolution of structure on the atomic scale, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are chosen for modeling the behavior and precipitation of C introduced into an initially crystalline Si environment. -To be able to model systems with a large amount of atoms computational efficient classical potentials to describe the interaction of the atoms are most often used in MD studies. -For reasons of flexibility in executing this non-standard task and in order to be able to use a novel interaction potential~\cite{albe_sic_pot} an appropriate MD code called \textsc{posic}\footnote{\textsc{posic} is an abbreviation for {\bf p}recipitation {\bf o}f {\bf SiC}} including a library collecting respective MD subroutines was developed from scratch\footnote{Source code: http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/\~{}zirkelfr/posic}. -The basic ideas of MD in general and the adopted techniques as implemented in \textsc{posic} in particular are outlined in section~\ref{section:md}, while the functional form and derivative of the employed classical potential is presented in appendix~\ref{app:d_tersoff}. +To be able to model systems with a large amount of atoms, computational efficient classical potentials to describe the interaction of the atoms are most often used in MD studies. +For reasons of flexibility in executing this non-standard task and in order to be able to use a novel interaction potential~\cite{albe_sic_pot}, an appropriate MD code called \textsc{posic}\footnote{\textsc{posic} is an abbreviation for {\bf p}recipitation {\bf o}f {\bf SiC}} including a library collecting respective MD subroutines was developed from scratch\footnote{Source code: http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/\~{}zirkelfr/posic}. +The basic ideas of MD in general and the adopted techniques as implemented in \textsc{posic} in particular are outlined in section~\ref{section:md} while the functional form and derivative of the employed classical potential is presented in appendix~\ref{app:d_tersoff}. An overview of the most important tools within the MD package is given in appendix~\ref{app:code}. Although classical potentials are often most successful and at the same time computationally efficient in calculating some physical properties of a particular system, not all of its properties might be described correctly due to the lack of quantum-mechanical effects. -Thus, in order to obtain more accurate results quantum-mechanical calculations from first principles based on density functional theory (DFT) were performed. +Thus, in order to obtain more accurate results, quantum-mechanical calculations from first principles based on density functional theory (DFT) were performed. The Vienna {\em ab initio} simulation package (\textsc{vasp})~\cite{kresse96} is used for this purpose. The relevant basics of DFT are described in section~\ref{section:dft} while an overview of utilities mainly used to create input or parse output data of \textsc{vasp} is given in appendix~\ref{app:code}. The gain in accuracy achieved by this method, however, is accompanied by an increase in computational effort constraining the simulated system to be much smaller in size. @@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ The method used to investigate migration pathways to identify the prevalent diff \end{quotation} \noindent -Pierre Simon de Laplace phrased this vision in terms of a controlling, omniscient instance --- the {\em Laplace demon} --- which would be able to look into the future as well as into the past due to the deterministic nature of processes, governed by the solution of differential equations. -Although Laplace's vision is nowadays corrected by chaos theory and quantum mechanics, it expresses two main features of classical mechanics, the determinism of processes and time reversibility of the fundamental equations. +Pierre Simon de Laplace phrased this vision in terms of a controlling, omniscient instance --- the {\em Laplace demon} --- which would be able to look into the future as well as into the past due to the deterministic nature of processes, which is governed by the solution of differential equations. +Although Laplace's vision is nowadays corrected by chaos theory and quantum mechanics, it expresses two main features of classical mechanics, i.e.\ the determinism of processes and time reversibility of the fundamental equations. This understanding may be regarded as the basic principle of molecular dynamics, considering an isolated system of particles, the behavior of which is fully determined by the solution of the classical equations of motion. \subsection{Introduction to molecular dynamics simulations} @@ -96,12 +96,12 @@ A three body potential has to be included for these types of elements. Tersoff proposed an empirical interatomic potential for covalent systems~\cite{tersoff_si1,tersoff_si2}. The Tersoff potential explicitly incorporates the dependence of bond order on local environments, permitting an improved description of covalent materials. -Due to the covalent character Tersoff restricted the interaction to nearest neighbor atoms accompanied by an increase in computational efficiency for the evaluation of forces and energy based on the short-range potential. +Due to the covalent character, Tersoff restricted the interaction to nearest neighbor atoms accompanied by an increase in computational efficiency for the evaluation of forces and energy based on the short-range potential. Tersoff applied the potential to silicon~\cite{tersoff_si1,tersoff_si2,tersoff_si3}, carbon~\cite{tersoff_c} and also to multicomponent systems like silicon carbide~\cite{tersoff_m}. The basic idea is that, in real systems, the bond order, i.e.\ the strength of the bond, depends upon the local environment~\cite{abell85}. Atoms with many neighbors form weaker bonds than atoms with only a few neighbors. Although the bond strength intricately depends on geometry, the focus on coordination, i.e.\ the number of neighbors forming bonds, is well motivated qualitatively from basic chemistry since for every additional formed bond the amount of electron pairs per bond and, thus, the strength of the bonds is decreased. -If the energy per bond decreases rapidly enough with increasing coordination the most stable structure will be the dimer. +If the energy per bond decreases rapidly enough with increasing coordination, the most stable structure will be the dimer. In the other extreme, if the dependence is weak, the material system will end up in a close-packed structure in order to maximize the number of bonds and likewise minimize the cohesive energy. This suggests the bond order to be a monotonously decreasing function with respect to coordination and the equilibrium coordination being determined by the balance of bond strength and number of bonds. Based on pseudopotential theory, the bond order term $b_{ijk}$ limiting the attractive pair interaction is of the form $b_{ijk}\propto Z^{-\delta}$ where $Z$ is the coordination number and $\delta$ a constant~\cite{abell85}, which is $\frac{1}{2}$ in the second-moment approximation within the tight binding scheme~\cite{horsfield96}. @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ The attractive part is associated with the bonding. f_R(r_{ij}) & = & A_{ij} \exp (- \lambda_{ij} r_{ij} ) \\ f_A(r_{ij}) & = & -B_{ij} \exp (- \mu_{ij} r_{ij} ) \end{eqnarray} -The function $f_C$ is a cutoff function to limit the range of interaction to nearest neighbors. +The function $f_C$ is a cut-off function to limit the range of interaction to nearest neighbors. It is designed to have a smooth transition of the potential at distances $R_{ij}$ and $S_{ij}$. \begin{equation} f_C(r_{ij}) = \left\{ @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ f_C(r_{ij}) = \left\{ \label{eq:basics:fc} \end{equation} As discussed above, $b_{ij}$ represents a measure of the bond order, monotonously decreasing with the coordination of atoms $i$ and $j$. -It is of the form: +It is of the form \begin{eqnarray} b_{ij} & = & \chi_{ij} (1 + \beta_i^{n_i} \zeta^{n_i}_{ij})^{-1/2n_i} \\ \zeta_{ij} & = & \sum_{k \ne i,j} f_C (r_{ik}) \omega_{ik} g(\theta_{ijk}) \\ @@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ where $\theta_{ijk}$ is the bond angle between bonds $ij$ and $ik$. This is illustrated in Fig.~\ref{img:tersoff_angle}. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} -\includegraphics[width=8cm]{tersoff_angle.eps} +\includegraphics[width=6cm]{tersoff_angle.eps} \end{center} \caption{Angle between bonds of atoms $i,j$ and $i,k$.} \label{img:tersoff_angle} @@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ This is illustrated in Fig.~\ref{img:tersoff_angle}. The angular dependence does not give a fixed minimum angle between bonds since the expression is embedded inside the bond order term. The relation to the above discussed bond order potential becomes obvious if $\chi=1, \beta=1, n=1, \omega=1$ and $c=0$. Parameters with a single subscript correspond to the parameters of the elemental system~\cite{tersoff_si3,tersoff_c} while the mixed parameters are obtained by interpolation from the elemental parameters by the arithmetic or geometric mean. -The elemental parameters were obtained by fit with respect to the cohesive energies of real and hypothetical bulk structures and the bulk modulus and bond length of the diamond structure. +The elemental parameters were obtained by a fit with respect to the cohesive energies of real and hypothetical bulk structures and the bulk modulus and bond length of the diamond structure. New parameters for the mixed system are $\chi$, which is used to finetune the strength of heteropolar bonds, and $\omega$, which is set to one for the C-Si interaction but is available as a feature to permit the application of the potential to more drastically different types of atoms in the future. The force acting on atom $i$ is given by the derivative of the potential energy. @@ -168,8 +168,8 @@ Details of the Tersoff potential derivative are presented in appendix~\ref{app:d \subsubsection{Improved analytical bond order potential} Although the Tersoff potential is one of the most widely used potentials, there are some shortcomings. -Describing the Si-Si interaction Tersoff was unable to find a single parameter set to describe well both, bulk and surface properties. -Due to this and since the first approach labeled T1~\cite{tersoff_si1} turned out to be unstable~\cite{dodson87}, two further parametrizations exist, T2~\cite{tersoff_si2} and T3~\cite{tersoff_si3}. +Describing the Si-Si interaction, Tersoff was unable to find a single parameter set to describe well both, bulk and surface properties. +Due to this, and since the first approach labeled T1~\cite{tersoff_si1} turned out to be unstable~\cite{dodson87}, two further parametrizations exist, T2~\cite{tersoff_si2} and T3~\cite{tersoff_si3}. While T2 describes well surface properties, T3 yields improved elastic constants and should be used for describing bulk properties. However, T3, which is used in the Si/C potential, suffers from an underestimation of the dimer binding energy. Similar behavior is found for the C-C interaction. @@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ Similar behavior is found for the C-C interaction. For this reason, Erhart and Albe provide a reparametrization of the Tersoff potential based on three independently fitted parameter sets for the Si-Si, C-C and Si-C interaction~\cite{albe_sic_pot}. The functional form is similar to the one proposed by Tersoff. Differences in the energy functional and the force evaluation routine are pointed out in appendix~\ref{app:d_tersoff}. -Concerning Si the elastic properties of the diamond phase as well as the structure and energetics of the dimer are reproduced very well. +Concerning Si, the elastic properties of the diamond phase as well as the structure and energetics of the dimer are reproduced very well. The new parameter set for the C-C interaction yields improved dimer properties while at the same time delivers a description of the bulk phase similar to the Tersoff potential. The potential succeeds in the description of the low as well as high coordinated structures. The description of elastic properties of SiC is improved with respect to the potentials available in literature. @@ -229,14 +229,14 @@ The so-called velocity Verlet algorithm is obtained by combining equation \eqref +\mathcal{O}(\delta t^3) \text{ .} \end{equation} -Since the forces for the new positions are required to update the velocity the determination of the forces has to be carried out within the integration algorithm. +Since the forces for the new positions are required to update the velocity, the determination of the forces has to be carried out within the integration algorithm. \subsection{Statistical ensembles} \label{subsection:statistical_ensembles} -Using the above mentioned algorithms the most basic type of MD is realized by simply integrating the equations of motion of a fixed number of particles ($N$) in a closed volume $V$ realized by periodic boundary conditions (PBC). -Providing a stable integration algorithm the total energy $E$, i.e.\ the kinetic and configurational energy of the particles, is conserved. -This is known as the $NVE$, or microcanonical ensemble, describing an isolated system composed of microstates, among which the number of particles, volume and energy are held constant. +Using the above mentioned algorithms, the most basic type of MD is realized by simply integrating the equations of motion of a fixed number of particles ($N$) in a closed volume $V$ realized by periodic boundary conditions (PBC). +Providing a stable integration algorithm, the total energy $E$, i.e.\ the kinetic and configurational energy of the particles, is conserved. +This is known as the $NVE$ or microcanonical ensemble, describing an isolated system composed of microstates, among which the number of particles, volume and energy are held constant. However, the successful formation of SiC dictates precise control of temperature by external heating. While the temperature of such a system is well defined, the energy is no longer conserved. @@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ E_{\text{kin}}=\sum_i \frac{\vec{p}^2_i}{2m_i} \text{ .} \end{equation} The volume of the synthesized material can hardly be controlled in experiment. Instead the pressure can be adjusted. -Holding constant the pressure in addition to the temperature of the system its states are represented by the isothermal-isobaric $NpT$ ensemble. +Holding constant the pressure in addition to the temperature of the system, its states are represented by the isothermal-isobaric $NpT$ ensemble. The expression for the pressure of a system derived from the equipartition theorem is given by \begin{equation} pV=Nk_{\text{B}}T+\langle W\rangle\text{, }W=-\frac{1}{3}\sum_i\vec{r}_i\nabla_{\vec{r}_i}U @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ pV=Nk_{\text{B}}T+\langle W\rangle\text{, }W=-\frac{1}{3}\sum_i\vec{r}_i\nabla_{ \end{equation} where $W$ is the virial and $U$ is the configurational energy. -Berendsen~et~al.~\cite{berendsen84} proposed a method, which is easy to implement, to couple the system to an external bath with constant temperature $T_0$ or pressure $p_0$ with adjustable time constants $\tau_T$ and $\tau_p$ determining the strength of the coupling. +Berendsen~et~al.\ proposed a method~\cite{berendsen84}, which is easy to implement, to couple the system to an external bath with constant temperature $T_0$ or pressure $p_0$ with adjustable time constants $\tau_T$ and $\tau_p$ determining the strength of the coupling. Control of the respective variable is based on the relations given in equations \eqref{eq:basics:ts} and \eqref{eq:basics:ps}. The thermostat is achieved by scaling the velocities of all atoms in every time step $\delta t$ from $\vec{v}_i$ to $\lambda \vec{v}_i$, with \begin{equation} @@ -272,8 +272,8 @@ The barostat adjusts the pressure by changing the virial through scaling of the \end{equation} where $\beta$ is the isothermal compressibility and $p$ corresponds to the current pressure, which is determined by equation \eqref{eq:basics:ps}. -Using this method the system does not behave like a true $NpT$ ensemble. -On average $T$ and $p$ correspond to the expected values. +Using this method, the system does not behave like a true $NpT$ ensemble. +On average, $T$ and $p$ correspond to the expected values. For large enough time constants, i.e.\ $\tau > 100 \delta t$, the method shows realistic fluctuations in $T$ and $p$. The advantage of the approach is that the coupling can be decreased to minimize the disturbance of the system and likewise be adjusted to suit the needs of a given application. It provides a stable algorithm that allows smooth changes of the system to new values of temperature or pressure, which is ideal for the investigated problem. @@ -285,19 +285,19 @@ Dirac declared that chemistry has come to an end, its content being entirely con Following the path of Schr\"odinger, the problem in quantum-mechanical modeling of describing the many-body problem, i.e.\ a system of a large amount of interacting particles, is manifested in the high-dimensional Schr\"odinger equation for the wave function $\Psi({\vec{R}},{\vec{r}})$ that depends on the coordinates of all nuclei and electrons. The Schr\"odinger equation contains the kinetic energy of the ions and electrons as well as the electron-ion, ion-ion and electron-electron interaction. This cannot be solved exactly and finding approximate solutions requires several layers of simplification in order to reduce the number of free parameters. -Approximations that consider a truncated Hilbert space of single-particle orbitals yield promising results, however, with increasing complexity and demand for high accuracy the amount of Slater determinants to be evaluated massively increases. +Approximations that consider a truncated Hilbert space of single-particle orbitals yield promising results, however, with increasing complexity and demand for high accuracy, the amount of Slater determinants to be evaluated massively increases. In contrast, instead of using the description by the many-body wave function, the key point in density functional theory (DFT) is to recast the problem to a description utilizing the charge density $n(\vec{r})$, which constitutes a quantity in real space depending only on the three spatial coordinates. -In the following sections the basic idea of DFT will be outlined. +In the following sections, the basic idea of DFT will be outlined. As will be shown, DFT can formally be regarded as an exactification of the Thomas Fermi theory~\cite{thomas27,fermi27} and the self-consistent Hartree equations~\cite{hartree28}. A nice review is given in the Nobel lecture of Kohn~\cite{kohn99}, one of the inventors of DFT. \subsection{Born-Oppenheimer approximation} Born and Oppenheimer proposed a simplification enabling the effective decoupling of the electronic and ionic degrees of freedom~\cite{born27}. -Within the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) approximation the light electrons are assumed to move much faster and, thus, follow adiabatically to the motion of the heavy nuclei, if the latter are only slightly deflected from their equilibrium positions. -Thus, on the timescale of electronic motion the ions appear at fixed positions. -On the other way round, on the timescale of nuclear motion the electrons appear blurred in space adding an extra term to the ion-ion potential. +Within the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) approximation, the light electrons are assumed to move much faster and, thus, follow adiabatically to the motion of the heavy nuclei, if the latter are only slightly deflected from their equilibrium positions. +Thus, on the timescale of electronic motion, the ions appear at fixed positions. +On the other way round, on the timescale of nuclear motion, the electrons appear blurred in space adding an extra term to the ion-ion potential. The simplified Schr\"odinger equation no longer contains the kinetic energy of the ions. The momentary positions of the ions enter as fixed parameters and, therefore, the ion-ion interaction may be regarded as a constant added to the electronic energies. The Schr\"odinger equation describing the remaining electronic problem reads @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ The Schr\"odinger equation describing the remaining electronic problem reads \end{equation} where $Z_l$ are the atomic numbers of the nuclei and $\Psi$ is the many-electron wave function, which depends on the positions and spins of the electrons. Accordingly, there is only a parametric dependence on the ionic coordinates $\vec{R}_l$. -However, the remaining number of free parameters is still too high and need to be further decreased. +However, the remaining number of free parameters is still too high and needs to be further decreased. \subsection{Hohenberg-Kohn theorem and variational principle} @@ -319,11 +319,11 @@ Although it was clear that the Thomas Fermi (TF) theory only provides a rough ap This raised the question how to establish a connection between TF expressed in terms of $n(\vec{r})$ and the exact Schr\"odinger equation expressed in terms of the many-electron wave function $\Psi({\vec{r}})$ and whether a complete description in terms of the charge density is possible in principle. The answer to this question, whether the charge density completely characterizes a system, became the starting point of modern DFT. -Considering a system with a nondegenerate ground state there is obviously only one ground-state charge density $n_0(\vec{r})$ that corresponds to a given potential $V(\vec{r})$. -In 1964 Hohenberg and Kohn showed the opposite and far less obvious result~\cite{hohenberg64}. -Employing no more than the Rayleigh-Ritz minimal principle it is concluded by {\em reductio ad absurdum} that for a nondegenerate ground state the same charge density cannot be generated by different potentials. +Considering a system with a nondegenerate ground state, there is obviously only one ground-state charge density $n_0(\vec{r})$ that corresponds to a given potential $V(\vec{r})$. +In 1964, Hohenberg and Kohn showed the opposite and far less obvious result~\cite{hohenberg64}. +Employing no more than the Rayleigh-Ritz minimal principle, it is concluded by {\em reductio ad absurdum} that for a nondegenerate ground state the same charge density cannot be generated by different potentials. Thus, the charge density of the ground state $n_0(\vec{r})$ uniquely determines the potential $V(\vec{r})$ and, consequently, the full Hamiltonian and ground-state energy $E_0$. -In mathematical terms the full many-electron ground state is a unique functional of the charge density. +In mathematical terms, the full many-electron ground state is a unique functional of the charge density. In particular, $E$ is a functional $E[n(\vec{r})]$ of $n(\vec{r})$. The ground-state charge density $n_0(\vec{r})$ minimizes the energy functional $E[n(\vec{r})]$, its value corresponding to the ground-state energy $E_0$, which enables the formulation of a minimal principle in terms of the charge density~\cite{hohenberg64,levy82} @@ -339,7 +339,7 @@ where $F[n(\vec{r})]$ is a universal functional of the charge density $n(\vec{r} The challenging problem of determining the exact ground-state is now formally reduced to the determination of the $3$-dimensional function $n(\vec{r})$, which minimizes the energy functional. However, the complexity associated with the many-electron problem is now relocated in the task of finding the well-defined but, in contrast to the potential energy, not explicitly known functional $F[n(\vec{r})]$. -It is worth to note, that this minimal principle may be regarded as exactification of the TF theory, which is rederived by the approximations +It is worth to note that this minimal principle may be regarded as exactification of the TF theory, which is rederived by the approximations \begin{equation} T=\int n(\vec{r})\frac{3}{10}k_{\text{F}}^2(n(\vec{r}))d\vec{r} \text{ ,} @@ -386,12 +386,12 @@ The KS equations may be considered the formal exactification of the Hartree theo In addition to the Hartree-Fock (HF) method, KS theory includes the difference of the kinetic energy of interacting and non-interacting electrons as well as the remaining contributions to the correlation energy that are not part of the HF correlation. The self-consistent KS equations \eqref{eq:basics:kse1}, \eqref{eq:basics:kse2} and \eqref{eq:basics:kse3} are non-linear partial differential equations, which may be solved numerically by an iterative process. -Starting from a first approximation for $n(\vec{r})$ the effective potential $V_{\text{eff}}(\vec{r})$ can be constructed followed by determining the one-electron orbitals $\Phi_i(\vec{r})$, which solve the single-particle Schr\"odinger equation for the respective potential. +Starting from a first approximation for $n(\vec{r})$, the effective potential $V_{\text{eff}}(\vec{r})$ can be constructed followed by determining the one-electron orbitals $\Phi_i(\vec{r})$, which solve the single-particle Schr\"odinger equation for the respective potential. The $\Phi_i(\vec{r})$ are used to obtain a new expression for $n(\vec{r})$. These steps are repeated until the initial and new density are equal or reasonably converged. Again, it is worth to note that the KS equations are formally exact. -Assuming exact functionals $E_{\text{xc}}[n(\vec{r})]$ and potentials $V_{\text{xc}}(\vec{r})$ all many-body effects are included. +Assuming exact functionals $E_{\text{xc}}[n(\vec{r})]$ and potentials $V_{\text{xc}}(\vec{r})$, all many-body effects are included. Clearly, this directs attention to the functional, which now contains the costs involved with the many-electron problem. \subsection{Approximations for exchange and correlation} @@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ Clearly, this directs attention to the functional, which now contains the costs As discussed above, the HK and KS formulations are exact and so far no approximations except the adiabatic approximation entered the theory. However, to make concrete use of the theory, effective approximations for the exchange and correlation energy functional $E_{\text{xc}}[n(\vec{r})]$ are required. -Most simple and at the same time remarkably useful is the approximation of $E_{\text{xc}}[n(\vec{r})]$ by a function of the local density~\cite{kohn65} +Most simple and at the same time remarkably useful, is the approximation of $E_{\text{xc}}[n(\vec{r})]$ by a function of the local density~\cite{kohn65}, \begin{equation} E^{\text{LDA}}_{\text{xc}}[n(\vec{r})]=\int\epsilon_{\text{xc}}(n(\vec{r}))n(\vec{r}) d\vec{r} \text{ ,} @@ -428,13 +428,13 @@ This is called the generalized-gradient approximation (GGA), which expresses the E^{\text{GGA}}_{\text{xc}}[n(\vec{r})]=\int\epsilon_{\text{xc}}(n(\vec{r}),|\nabla n(\vec{r})|)n(\vec{r}) d\vec{r} \text{ .} \end{equation} -These functionals constitute the simplest extensions of LDA for inhomogeneous systems. -At modest computational costs gradient-corrected functionals very often yield much better results than the LDA with respect to cohesive and binding energies. +This functional constitutes the simplest extension of the LDA for inhomogeneous systems. +At modest computational costs, gradient-corrected functionals very often yield much better results than the LDA with respect to cohesive and binding energies. \subsection{Plane-wave basis set} Finally, a set of basis functions is required to represent the one-electron KS wave functions. -With respect to the numerical treatment it is favorable to approximate the wave functions by linear combinations of a finite number of such basis functions. +With respect to the numerical treatment, it is favorable to approximate the wave functions by linear combinations of a finite number of such basis functions. Convergence of the basis set, i.e.\ convergence of the wave functions with respect to the amount of basis functions, is most crucial for the accuracy of the numerical calculations. Two classes of basis sets, the plane-wave and local basis sets, exist. @@ -448,7 +448,7 @@ Another approach is to represent the KS wave functions by plane waves. In fact, the employed \textsc{vasp} software is solving the KS equations within a plane-wave (PW) basis set. The idea is based on the Bloch theorem~\cite{bloch29}, which states that in a periodic crystal each electronic wave function $\Phi_i(\vec{r})$ can be written as the product of a wave-like envelope function $\exp(i\vec{kr})$ and a function that has the same periodicity as the lattice. The latter one can be expressed by a Fourier series, i.e.\ a discrete set of plane waves whose wave vectors just correspond to reciprocal lattice vectors $\vec{G}$ of the crystal. -Thus, the one-electron wave function $\Phi_i(\vec{r})$ associated with the wave vector $\vec{k}$ can be expanded in terms of a discrete PW basis set +Thus, the one-electron wave function $\Phi_i(\vec{r})$ associated with the wave vector $\vec{k}$ can be expanded in terms of a discrete PW basis set: \begin{equation} \Phi_i(\vec{r})=\sum_{\vec{G} %, |\vec{G}+\vec{k}|