X-Git-Url: https://hackdaworld.org/gitweb/?a=blobdiff_plain;f=posic%2Fthesis%2Fbasics.tex;h=6addfab29058d243a7890eb7c5e1369c2e5c2079;hb=592418a178a5e23c36a5321a01afbf7a3ce75d41;hp=1dbe1c0de4000f5bfee5a3eb7c17ab41629cffc3;hpb=71d8ad22f7c8fd77cc86c966aa209d5cd4c14ac0;p=lectures%2Flatex.git diff --git a/posic/thesis/basics.tex b/posic/thesis/basics.tex index 1dbe1c0..6addfab 100644 --- a/posic/thesis/basics.tex +++ b/posic/thesis/basics.tex @@ -94,16 +94,16 @@ Chosing $12$ as the exponent of the repulsive term it is just the square of the The constants $\epsilon$ and $\sigma$ are usually determined by fitting to experimental data. $\epsilon$ accounts to the depth of the potential well, where $\sigma$ is regarded as the radius of the particle, also known as the van der Waals radius. -Writing down the derivation of the Lennard-Jones potential in respect to $x_i$ (the $i$th component of the distance vector $\vec{r}$) +Writing down the derivative of the Lennard-Jones potential in respect to $x_i$ (the $i$th component of the distance vector ${\bf r}$) \begin{equation} \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} U^{LJ}(r) = 4 \epsilon x_i \Big( -12 \frac{\sigma^{12}}{r^{14}} + 6 \frac{\sigma^6}{r^8} \Big) \label{eq:lj-d} \end{equation} one can easily identify $\sigma$ by the equilibrium distance of the atoms $r_e=\sqrt[6]{2} \sigma$. Applying the equilibrium distance into \eqref{eq:lj-p} $\epsilon$ turns out to be the negative well depth. -The $i$th component of the force $F^j$ on particle $j$ is obtained by +The $i$th component of the force is given by \begin{equation} -F_i^j = - \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} U^{LJ}(r) \, \textrm{.} +F_i = - \frac{\partial}{\partial x_i} U^{LJ}(r) \, \textrm{.} \label{eq:lj-f} \end{equation} @@ -138,40 +138,61 @@ h(r_{ij},r_{ik},\theta_{jik}) = Tersoff proposed an empirical interatomic potential for covalent systems. The Tersoff potential explicitly incorporates the dependence of bond order on local envirenments, permitting an improved description of covalent materials. Tersoff applied the potential to silicon \cite{tersoff_silicon1,tersoff_silicon2,tersoff_silicon3}, carbon \cite{tersoff_carbon} and also to multicomponent systems like $SiC$ \cite{tersoff_multi}. - The basic idea is that, in real systems, the bond order depends upon the local environment. An atom with many neighbours forms weaker bonds than an atom with few neighbours. - - +The interatomic potential is taken to have the form +\begin{eqnarray} +E & = & \sum_i E_i = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i \ne j} V_{ij} \textrm{ ,} \\ +V_{ij} & = & f_C(r_{ij}) [ f_R(r_{ij}) + b_{ij} f_A(r_{ij}) ] \textrm{ .} +\end{eqnarray} +$E$ is the total energy of the system, constituted either by the sum over the site energies $E_i$ or by the bond energies $V_{ij}$. +The indices $i$ and $j$ correspond to the atoms of the system with $r_{ij}$ being the distance from atom $i$ to atom $j$. + +The functions $f_R$ and $f_A$ represent a repulsive and an attractive pair potential. +The repulsive part is due to the orthogonalization energy of overlapped atomic wave functions. +The attractive part is associated with the bonding. +\begin{eqnarray} +f_R(r_{ij}) & = & A_{ij} \exp (- \lambda_{ij} r_{ij} ) \\ +f_A(r_{ij}) & = & -B_{ij} \exp (- \mu_{ij} r_{ij} ) +\end{eqnarray} +The function $f_C$ is the potential cutoff function to limit the range of the potential. +It is designed to have a smooth transition of the potential at distances $R_{ij}$ and $S_{ij}$. \begin{equation} -V_{ij} = f_C(r_{ij}) [ f_R(r_{ij}) + b_{ij} f_A(r_{ij}) ] +f_C(r_{ij}) = \left\{ + \begin{array}{ll} + 1, & r_{ij} < R_{ij} \\ + \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2} \cos \Big[ \pi (r_{ij} - R_{ij})/(S_{ij} - R_{ij}) \Big], & R_{ij} < r_{ij} < S_{ij} \\ + 0, & r_{ij} > S_{ij} + \end{array} \right. \end{equation} -The total energy is then given by -\begin{equation} -E = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{i \ne j} V_{ij} \, \textrm{.} -\end{equation} +The function $b_{ij}$ represents a measure of the bond order, monotonically decreasing with the coordination of atoms $i$ and $j$. +It is of the form: +\begin{eqnarray} +b_{ij} & = & \chi_{ij} (1 + \beta_i^{n_i} \zeta^{n_i}_{ij})^{-1/2n_i} \\ +\zeta_{ij} & = & \sum_{k \ne i,j} f_C (r_{ik}) \omega_{ik} g(\theta_{ijk}) \\ +g(\theta_{ijk}) & = & 1 + c_i^2/d_i^2 - c_i^2/[d_i^2 + (h_i - \cos \theta_{ijk})^2] \\ +\end{eqnarray} +where $\theta_{ijk}$ is the bond angle between bonds $ij$ and $ik$. +This is illustrated in Figure \ref{img:tersoff_angle}. +\printimg{!h}{width=8cm}{tersoff_angle.eps}{Angle between bonds of atoms $i,j$ and $i,k$.}{img:tersoff_angle} -\begin{equation} -f_R(r_{ij}) = A_{ij} \exp (- \lambda_{ij} r_{ij} ) \\ -\end{equation} +Here comes an explanation, energy per bond monotonically decreasing with the amount of bonds and so on and so on \ldots +The force acting on atom $i$ is given by the derivative of the potential energy. +For a three body potential ($V_{ij} \neq V{ji}$) the derivation is of the form \begin{equation} -f_A(r_{ij}) = -B_{ij} \exp (- \mu_{ij} r_{ij} ) \\ +\nabla_{{\bf r}_i} E = \frac{1}{2} \big[ \sum_j ( \nabla_{{\bf r}_i} V_{ij} + \nabla_{{\bf r}_i} V_{ji} ) + \sum_k \sum_j \nabla_{{\bf r}_i} V_{jk} \big] \textrm{ .} \end{equation} - -The function $f_C$ is the potential cutoff function designed to have a smooth transition between $R_{ij}$ and $S_{ij}$. +The force is then given by \begin{equation} -f_C(r_{ij}) = \left\{ - \begin{array}{ll} - 1 & r_{ij} < R_{ij} \\ - \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2} \cos [ \pi (r_{ij} - R_{ij})/(S_{ij} - R_{ij}) ] & R_{ij} < r_{ij} < S_{ij} \\ - 0 & r_{ij} > S_{ij} - \end{array} \right. +F^i = - \nabla_{{\bf r}_i} E \textrm{ .} \end{equation} +The details of the Tersoff potential derivative can be seen in appendix \ref{app:d_tersoff}. +And here comes why we use it. Advantages and disadvantages compared to other interaction potentials, maybe this is best at the very end of all potentials \ldots \subsubsection{The Brenner potential}