--- /dev/null
+; control the light connected to the pwm output pins
+; author: hackbard@hackdaworld.org
+; specify device
+.include "../include/2313def.inc"
+; ------------------
+; interrupt vectors:
+; ------------------
+; reset
+rjmp RESET
+; int0
+; int1
+; timer 1 capture
+; timer 1 compare
+; timer 1 overflow
+; timer 0 overflow
+; usart rx complete
+rjmp UART_RX
+; usart data register empty
+; usart tx complete
+; analog comperator
+; pin change interrupt
+; timer/counter 1 compare match b
+; timer/counter 0 compare match a
+; timer/counter 0 compare match b
+; usi start condition
+; usi overflow
+; eeprom ready
+; watchdog timer overflow
+; -----
+; code:
+; -----
+ ; set stackpointer
+ ldi r16,low(RAMEND) ; write top of ramend (lowbyte)
+ out SPL,r16 ; to stackpointer
+ ; rs232 init
+ ldi r16,12 ; "38.4k bps @ 8 mhz" in r16
+ out UBRR,r16 ; write to uart baudrate register
+ ldi r16,(1<<RXEN)|(1<<TXEN)|(1<<RXCIE) ; enable rx/tx + rx interrupt
+ out UCSRB,r16 ; write to uart control register
+ ; pwm (OC0A=PB2 OC0B=PD5)
+ ; set as output
+ ldi r16,(1<<DDB2)
+ out DDRB,r16
+ ldi r16,(1<<DDD5)
+ out DDRD,r16
+ ; output 0
+ ldi r16,(1<<PINB2)
+ subi r16,0xff
+ out PORTB,r16
+ ldi r16,(1<<PIND5)|(1<<PIND6)
+ subi r16,0xff
+ out PORTD,r16
+ ; toggle OC0A/B on compare match / fast pwm
+ ldi r16,(1<<COM0A0)|(1<<COM0B0)|(1<<WGM00)|(1<<WGM01)
+ out TCCR0A,r16
+ ; top in OCR0A / no clock prescaling
+ ldi r16,(1<<WGM02)|(1<<CS00)
+ ; overflow interrupt enable
+ ; initial pwm value 0x7f
+ ldi r16,0x7f
+ out OCR0A,r16
+ out OCR0B,r16
+ ; global interrupt enable
+ sei
+ rjmp MAIN
+ reti