From 4ec0633007a2d44d5883cc33516510fb13785071 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: hackbard Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2010 21:16:18 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] more intro --- posic/publications/sic_prec.tex | 23 ++++++++++++++--------- 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-) diff --git a/posic/publications/sic_prec.tex b/posic/publications/sic_prec.tex index d537ff2..7f97f0e 100644 --- a/posic/publications/sic_prec.tex +++ b/posic/publications/sic_prec.tex @@ -65,20 +65,25 @@ Solving this controversy and understanding the effective underlying processes wi It will likewise offer perspectives for processes that rely upon prevention of precipitation events, e.g. the fabrication of strained pseudomorphic Si$_{1-y}$C$_y$ heterostructures\cite{strane96,laveant2002}. Atomistic simulations offer a powerful tool to study materials on a microscopic level providing detailed insight not accessible by experiment. -HIER WEITER ... -Relevant structures consisting of $\approx 10^4$ atoms for the nanocrystal and even more atoms for a reasonably sized Si host matrix are too large to be completely described by high accuracy quantum mechanical methods. -Directly modelling the dynamics of the processes mentioned above almost inevitably requires the atomic interaction to be described by less accurate though computationally more efficient classical potentials. +In particular, molecular dynamics (MD) constitutes a suitable technique to investigate the dynamical and structural properties of some material. +Modelling the processes mentioned above requires the simulation of a large amount of atoms ($\approx 10^5-10^6$), which inevitably dictates the atomic interaction to be described by computationally efficient classical potentials. +These are, however, less accurate compared to quantum-mechnical methods and theire applicability for the description of the physical problem has to be verified first. The most common empirical potentials for covalent systems are the Stillinger-Weber\cite{stillinger85} (SW), Brenner\cite{brenner90}, Tersoff\cite{tersoff_si3} and environment-dependent interatomic potential (EDIP)\cite{bazant96,bazant97,justo98}. -Until recently\cite{lucas10}, a parametrization to describe the C-Si multicomponent system within the mentioned interaction models did only exist for the Tersoff\cite{tersoff_m} and related potentials, e.g. the one by Gao and Weber\cite{gao02}. -Whether such potentials are appropriate for the description of the physical problem has, however, to be verified first by applying classical and quantum-mechanical methods to relevant processes that can be treated by both methods. -For instance, a comparison of empirical potential molecular dynamics (MD) and density functional theory (DFT) calculations showed that SW is best suited for simulations of dislocation nucleation processes\cite{godet03} and threshold displacement energy calculations\cite{holmstroem08} in Si important in ion implantation, while the Tersoff potential yielded a qualitative agreement for the interaction of Si self-interstitials with substitutional C\cite{mattoni2002}. -Antisite pairs and defects in SiC have been investigated, both classically\cite{posselt06,gao04} employing the Gao/Weber potential\cite{gao02} and quantum-mechanically\cite{rauls03a,gao07,gao2001,bockstedte03}, which, both, agree very well with experimental results\cite{gali03,chen98,weber01}. +Until recently\cite{lucas10}, a parametrization to describe the C-Si multicomponent system within the mentioned interaction models did only exist for the Tersoff\cite{tersoff_m} and related potentials, e.g. the one by Gao and Weber\cite{gao02} as well as the one by Erhart and Albe\cite{albe_sic_pot}. +All these potentials are short range potentials employing a cut-off function, which drops the atomic interaction to zero inbetween the first and second next neighbor distance. +In a combined ab initio and empirical potential study it was shown that the Tersoff potential properly describes binding energies of combinations of C defects in Si\cite{mattoni2002}. +However, investigations of brittleness in covalent materials\cite{mattoni2007} identified the short range character of these potentials to be responsible for overestimated forces necessary to snap the bond of two next neighbored atoms. +In a previous study\cite{zirkelbach10a} we approved ... influence on migration ... crucial for problem under study. +However ... considered good, especially non-zero temperatures(?) ... + +HIER WEITER ... + An extensive comparison\cite{balamane92} concludes that each potential has its strengths and limitations and none of them is clearly superior to others. Despite their shortcomings these potentials are assumed to be reliable for large-scale simulations\cite{balamane92,huang95,godet03} on specific problems under investigation providing insight into phenomena that are otherwise not accessible by experimental or first principles methods. Remaining shortcomings have frequently been resolved by modifying the interaction\cite{tang95,gao02a,mattoni2007} or extending it\cite{devanathan98_2} with data gained from ab initio calculations\cite{nordlund97}. -In this work, the applicability of a Tersoff-like bond order potential\cite{albe_sic_pot} to basic processes involved in the initially mentioned SiC precipitation mechanism has been investigated by comparing results gained by classical and ab initio calculations. -In the following a comparative investigation of density functional theory studies and classical potential calculations of the structure, energetics and mobility of carbon defects in silicon is presented. +In this work, a combined ab initio and empirical potential simulation study on the initially mentioned SiC precipitation mechanism has been performed. +High accurate quantum-mechanical results have been used to identify shortcomings of the classical potentials, which then are taken into account in these type of simulations. % -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \section{Methodology} -- 2.39.2