# hdw - linux FAI file whats this? ----------- explains how to setup a networked computer acting as dhcp/pxeboot/nfsroot fully automated installation server to automate installing your favorite hdw-linux distribution. files: ------ ./scripts/Create-FAI ./fai/* ./doc/FAI procedure --------- 1) install minimal nfsroot binaries vi Config [specify arch* variables] note: default target is enough. you dont need to specify fai-server. we are just going to install the nfsroot which will automate the install process. fai-server is actually the target you will need as a running system to have pxeboot/nfsutils and stuff. note: you might want to fetch hdw binaries from a mirror. edit your /etc/hdw-get.conf file. ./scripts/Create-FAI where is the directory to install the fairoot. 2) edit the following files to match your needs, and restart services /etc/dhcpd.conf /etc/inetd.conf /etc/exports /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/{default,*} (have a look at chapter "fai server configuration") note: again you might want to use a mirror. edit hdw-get.conf, but make sure it is the one from fairoot. 3) adapt configs in ./fai (see chapter "fai config files") 4) pxeboot your install candidates. this is actually not fully automated. have a look athe bootdisk section if your client does not support pxeboot. - type "fai" on pxeboot prompt - after first bootup, use cfdisk to partition your harddisk - touch a disk_ready file in configuration space (after using cfdisk, sync to disk file!) - reboot and finaly wathc your target system to get hdw'ed :) 5) optional: login, build a new kernel or do other modifications. fai config files ---------------- config files reside in 1) ./fai/config// and 2) ./fai/files/ directories. config dir: - the files reside in a subdirectory, which is simply the clients ip address, as different clients may need different config. - files: 1) disk 2) packages disk file is used to determine the partition layout and used harddisk. the format: (example, its intuitive!) # disk /dev/hda # swap 7 1 /boot ext3 format 5 / ext3 format 6 /home ext3 preserve packages file contains packages to get installed. you may use ./scripts/Helper -create_dist_files to create one. make sure that all the packages are available on the mirror, otherwise the fai install routine will break. hint: switch the partitions to "preserve" and hdw-get will not install already installed packages again. files dir: - files called DEFAULT in a special directory will be copied to every client to the file of its dirname. - files named like a clients ip address will be only copied to that client (again, the file will be the dirname) example: ./fai/files/etc/X11/XF86Config/DEFAULT will be copied to all clients as /etc/X11/XF86Config file. fai server configuration ------------------------ there are several files you need to hack. here we go: - dhcpd: file: /etc/dhcpd.conf examples rule, have a look at the configuration for my fai client: ... option routers; option domain-name-servers,; host compaq { fixed-address; hardware ethernet 00:50:8b:cb:8e:d2; allow booting; allow bootp; next-server hackstation; # the fai server server-name hackstation; filename "pxelinux.0"; } ... - tftpboot (you will need tftp-hpa as tftpserver) the scripts prepared a working fai config file at /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg, just add a symbolic link of your clients ip address (in hex, use: gethostip) pointing to fai. ofcourse you need to have the package syslinux installed. - nfsd: file: /etc/exports the scripts added export entries. just substitute "foobar" to the name or ip address of your fai clients. - inetd file: /etc/inetd.conf make sure the tftpboot line is uncommented. if you have problems of tftpd switching to user nobody google for solutions. if you are too lazy substitute "nobody" by "root in inetd.conf. this is dangerous though, you have been warned. note: restart all the mentioned services. bootdisk -------- for computers old enough to not support pxe but having installed a piece of hardware called floppy disk, you may create a bootdisk containing the install kernel (the pxe stuff is replaced by the bootdisk). - compile a customized kernel <= 1.1 mb. do not unset needed features! (use ./misc/arch/${hdw_arch}/linux.config as .config + modify) - copy bzImage to fai/files/boot/vmlinuz_custom/ - create bootfloppy image dd if=/dev/zero of=bootdisk.img bs=1024 count=1440 yes | mke2fs -q -i 40000 -m 0 bootdisk.img mkdir -p /mnt/tmp ; mount -o loop bootdisk.img /mnt/tmp mkdir -p /mnt/tmp/{boot,etc} ; cp bzImage /mnt/tmp/boot/vmlinuz cp misc/fai/lilo.conf /mnt/tmp/etc/lilo.conf (change boot, disk map and image values) touch /mnt/tmp/boot/map # enough? if not take yours from /boot umount /mnt/tmp (you may store bootdisk.img in the clients config space) finaly: (create the boot floppy) dd if=bootdisk.img of=/dev/floppy/0 troubleshooting --------------- contact me! -> http://www.hackdaworld.dyndns.org/contents/contact/ email: hackbard@hackdaworld.dyndns.org irc: irc.hackdaworld.dyndns.org - #hackdaworld greets ------ good luck now, you are own your own! enjoy hdw. :) regards, hackbard.