# hdw - linux 00-small-base-conf package # # author: hackbard@hackdaworld.dyndns.org # # we don't need source # [S] 1-10 2-1 # [V] 0.1 custmain="1" if [ "$hdw_status" = "1" ] ; then custmain() { for i in bash pwd cat stty; do ln -sf ../$s1_prefix/bin/$i $root/bin/$i done ln -sf bash $root/bin/sh ln -sf ../../$s1_prefix/bin/perl $root/usr/bin/perl } else custmain() { # changing ownership! chown -R 0:0 $root/[!p]* # passwd & group file cp -v ${hdw_home_dir}/misc/sysfiles/etc/passwd $root/etc cp -v ${hdw_home_dir}/misc/sysfiles/etc/group $root/etc cp -v ${hdw_home_dir}/misc/sysfiles/etc/shadow $root/etc chmod 644 $root/etc/{passwd,group} chmod 640 $root/etc/shadow && chown 0:0 $root/etc/shadow # we want mtab to be up2date ln -fs /proc/mounts $root/etc/mtab # arbitary timezone needed for some packages to build properly ln -sfv ../usr/share/zoneinfo/Europe/Berlin $root/etc/localtime } fi