package main import ( "encoding/xml" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" ) // // hardcoded account ids we have to look at // // --- buy // wareneingang 19% and 7% const pid_buy_n = string("8e3b7c42e3173ed85f3d4736e82afb4d") const pid_buy_s = string("0cfd2ceb45fff89b9d1b7ce3af66cdf3") const pid_misc = string("e3acc2865dbf931e41cf2b90240de5c2") const pid_rep = string("b1d04ad157cac569f4299d4ddf94ed6f") const pid_room = string("4394ed4ffa7266f8f8731080926a7a61") const pid_cap = string("4196ee026d1bdb785df2c975fca91ae0") // abziehbare vst 19% and 7% const aid_vst_n = string("7c449e13125d6b93043f963628106db2") const aid_vst_s = string("006643c1c0a91f2b40614c75a49c6295") // --- sales // receipts const aid_rec_n = string("f3e905732b729ba096a50dab60559ce7") const aid_rec_s = string("66c1b04bd897766cb2be538094e1db6a") const aid_tip = string("1d20024badc11a99a8e1cf3a9a64a501") const aid_dep = string("9772f4e231f6f5e3100132cc53eb3447") // ust const aid_ust_n = string("e4bd6ff52408be8076f24aeb105893d9") const aid_ust_s = string("38bf40d16529f2a1e611c073c6c1dc9c") // account maps type amap struct { pid string // parent id num int // account number taxval int // 7 or 19 buy bool // buy or sales tax bool // tax or non-tax(=goods) account rid []string // required transaction account(s) } // xml type Account struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"account"` Name string `xml:"name"` AccountId string `xml:"id"` ParentId string `xml:"parent"` } type Split struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"split"` Id string `xml:"id"` Value string `xml:"value"` Quantity string `xml:"quantity"` AccountId string `xml:"account"` } type Transaction struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"transaction"` Id string `xml:"id"` Date string `xml:"date-posted>date"` Description string `xml:"description"` Spl []Split `xml:"splits>split"` } type ParsedData struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"gnc-v2"` DataCnt []string `xml:"count-data"` Accnt []Account `xml:"book>account"` Trn []Transaction `xml:"book>transaction"` } // 'global' data var data ParsedData func main() { // open xml file file, err := os.Open("c13_skr03.gnucash") if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error opening file:", err) return } defer file.Close() // read xml file xmldata, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error reading file:", err) return } // unmarshal xml data err = xml.Unmarshal(xmldata,&data) if err != nil { fmt.Println("Error unmarshaling xml data:", err) return } // whooha, this is our data! fmt.Println("Parsed accounts:",len(data.Accnt)) fmt.Println("Parsed transactions:",len(data.Trn)) accnt := make(map[string]amap) for ac := range data.Accnt { aid := data.Accnt[ac].AccountId pid := data.Accnt[ac].ParentId // general map rid := make ([]string,10,10) accnt[aid]=amap{ pid,ac,0,false,false,rid, } rid[0]="NONE" tmp := accnt[aid] switch { // ---- buy // -- goods case pid == pid_buy_n || pid == pid_misc || pid == pid_rep || pid == pid_room || pid == pid_cap: tmp.taxval=19 rid[0]=aid_vst_n accnt[aid]=tmp case pid == pid_buy_s: tmp.taxval=7 rid[0]=aid_vst_s accnt[aid]=tmp // -- tax case aid == aid_vst_n: tmp.taxval=19 rid=[]string{pid_buy_n,pid_misc,pid_rep,pid_room,pid_cap,} accnt[aid]=tmp case aid == aid_vst_s: tmp.taxval=7 rid[0]=pid_buy_s accnt[aid]=tmp // ---- sales ---- // -- receipts case aid == aid_rec_n || aid == aid_tip || aid == aid_dep: tmp.taxval=19 rid[0]=aid_ust_n accnt[aid]=tmp case aid == aid_rec_s: tmp.taxval=7 rid[0]=aid_ust_s accnt[aid]=tmp // -- tax case aid == aid_ust_n: tmp.taxval=19 rid=[]string{aid_rec_n,aid_tip,aid_dep,} accnt[aid]=tmp case aid == aid_ust_s: tmp.taxval=7 rid[0]=aid_rec_s accnt[aid]=tmp } } // check transactions ... for tc := range data.Trn { // ... and all the accounts involved for tsc := range data.Trn[tc].Spl { aid := data.Trn[tc].Spl[tsc].AccountId if check_trn(&data.Trn[tc],accnt,aid) == false { ac := accnt[aid].num fmt.Println("P:",data.Accnt[ac].Name,"at",data.Trn[tc].Date) } } } } func check_trn(ta *Transaction,accnt map[string]amap,aid string) bool { //ac := accnt[aid].num if accnt[aid].rid[0]=="NONE" { return true } for ra := range accnt[aid].rid { for ea := range ta.Spl { oaid := ta.Spl[ea].AccountId switch { case accnt[aid].tax && accnt[aid].buy: // check pids if accnt[oaid].pid == accnt[aid].rid[ra] { return true } default: // check aids if ta.Spl[ea].AccountId == accnt[aid].rid[ra] { return true } } //fmt.Println(data.Accnt[accnt[oaid].num].Name) } } // exceptions //if !ok { //} return false }