#!/bin/sh # # visualization script # author: frank.zirkelbach@physik.uni-augsburg.de # # help function draw_cyl() { cat >> temp.pov <<-EOF cylinder { <$1, $3, $2>, <$4, $6, $5>, 0.05 pigment { color White } } EOF } draw_bond() { cat >> temp.pov <<-EOF cylinder { <$1, $3, $2>, <$4, $6, $5>, $7 pigment { color rgbf <0, 0, 1.0, 0.8> finish { phong 1 metallic } } } EOF } # defaults lc=5.429 directory="doesnt_exist____for_sure" width="640" height="480" radius="0.6" x0="-0.6"; y0="-0.6"; z0="-0.6"; x1="0.6"; y1="0.6"; z1="0.6"; cx=""; cy=""; cz=""; lx="0"; ly="-100"; lz="100"; ortographic="" bx0=""; by0=""; bz0=""; bx1=""; by1=""; bz1=""; bcr="0.1"; clx="0"; cly="0"; clz="0"; extra=0 displace="" mirror=0 mx1=0; mx2=0; mx3=0; my1=0; my2=0; my3=0; mz1=0; mz2=0; mz3=0; ab=0 # parse argv while [ "$1" ]; do case "$1" in -d) directory=$2; shift 2;; -w) width=$2; shift 2;; -h) height=$2; shift 2;; -r) radius=$2; shift 2;; -nll) x0=$2; y0=$3; z0=$4; shift 4;; -fur) x1=$2; y1=$3; z1=$4; shift 4;; -c) cx=$2; cy=$3; cz=$4; shift 4;; -L) clx=$2; cly=$3; clz=$4; shift 4;; -l) lx=$2; ly=$3; lz=$4; shift 4;; -o) ortographic=1; shift 1;; -b) bx0=$2; by0=$3; bz0=$4; bx1=$5; by1=$6; bz1=$7; shift 7;; -B) bcr=$2; shift 2;; -C) lc=$2; shift 2;; -e) extra=1; shift 1;; -D) displace=$2; shift 2;; -m) mx1=$2; mx2=$3; mx3=$4; my1=$5; my2=$6; my3=$7; mz1=$8; mz2=$9; mz3=${10}; mirror=1; shift 10;; -A) ab=$2; shift 2; ((cnt=1)) while [ $cnt -le $ab ]; do anr[$cnt]=$1; shift 1; ((cnt+=1)) done cutoff=$1; shift 1;; *) echo "options:" echo "########" echo "directory to progress:" echo " -d (mandatory)" echo "png dim:" echo " -w " echo " -h " echo "atom size:" echo " -r " echo " -B " echo "unit cell:" echo " -C " echo " -m (mirror atoms)" echo "visualization volume:" echo " -nll (near lower left)" echo " -fur (far upper right)" echo " -o (ortographic)" echo "bounding box:" echo " -b " echo "povray:" echo " -c (camera position)" echo " -L (camera look)" echo " -l (light source)" echo "bonds:" echo " -ab (auto bonds)" exit 1;; esac done # calculation from lattic eunits to angstroms [ "$lc" = "sic" ] && lc=4.359 [ "$lc" = "si" ] && lc=5.480 [ "$lc" = "c" ] && lc=3.566 #offset=`echo 0.125 \* $lc | bc` offset=0.0 x0=`echo $x0 \* $lc + $offset | bc` y0=`echo $y0 \* $lc + $offset | bc` z0=`echo $z0 \* $lc + $offset | bc` x1=`echo $x1 \* $lc + $offset | bc` y1=`echo $y1 \* $lc + $offset | bc` z1=`echo $z1 \* $lc + $offset | bc` mx1=`echo $mx1 \* $lc + $offset | bc` my1=`echo $my1 \* $lc + $offset | bc` mz1=`echo $mz1 \* $lc + $offset | bc` mx2=`echo $mx2 \* $lc + $offset | bc` my2=`echo $my2 \* $lc + $offset | bc` mz2=`echo $mz2 \* $lc + $offset | bc` mx3=`echo $mx3 \* $lc + $offset | bc` my3=`echo $my3 \* $lc + $offset | bc` mz3=`echo $mz3 \* $lc + $offset | bc` clx=`echo $clx \* $lc + $offset | bc` cly=`echo $cly \* $lc + $offset | bc` clz=`echo $clz \* $lc + $offset | bc` if [ -n "$cx" -a -n "$cy" -a -n "$cz" ]; then cx=`echo $cx \* $lc + $offset | bc` cy=`echo $cy \* $lc + $offset | bc` cz=`echo $cz \* $lc + $offset | bc` fi if [ -n "$bx0" ]; then bx0=`echo $bx0 \* $lc + $offset | bc` by0=`echo $by0 \* $lc + $offset | bc` bz0=`echo $bz0 \* $lc + $offset | bc` bx1=`echo $bx1 \* $lc + $offset | bc` by1=`echo $by1 \* $lc + $offset | bc` bz1=`echo $bz1 \* $lc + $offset | bc` fi # povray command POVRAY="povray -W${width} -H${height} -d" # camera location [ -n "$cx" -a -n "$cy" -a -n "$cz" ] && camloc="<$cx,$cz,$cy>" # convert options COPTS="-font /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans.ttf" COPTS="$COPTS -depth 8 -fill white -stroke blue -pointsize 24" # do it ... if [ -d $directory ]; then filesource=$directory/CONTCAR* fi if [ -f $directory ]; then filesource=$directory fi for file in $filesource; do echo "working on $file ..." cat > temp.pov <<-EOF #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" #include "shapes.inc" #include "glass.inc" #include "metals.inc" #include "woods.inc" #include "stones.inc" EOF # meta info scale=`sed -n 2p $file | awk '{ print $1 }'` line="`sed -n 3p $file`" X1=`echo $line | awk '{ print $1 }'` X2=`echo $line | awk '{ print $2 }'` X3=`echo $line | awk '{ print $3 }'` line="`sed -n 4p $file`" Y1=`echo $line | awk '{ print $1 }'` Y2=`echo $line | awk '{ print $2 }'` Y3=`echo $line | awk '{ print $3 }'` line="`sed -n 5p $file`" Z1=`echo $line | awk '{ print $1 }'` Z2=`echo $line | awk '{ print $2 }'` Z3=`echo $line | awk '{ print $3 }'` line="`sed -n 6p $file`" nsi=`echo $line | awk '{ print $1 }'` nc=`echo $line | awk '{ print $2 }'` ((ntot=nsi+nc)) echo "Si : $nsi" echo "C : $nc" echo "tot: $ntot" echo "cutoff: $cutoff" export scale export X1 X2 X3 export Y1 Y2 Y3 export Z1 Z2 Z3 export x0 y0 z0 x1 y1 z1 radius # atoms ((count=1)) checktsd=`sed -n 7p $file | awk '{ print $1 }'` if [ "$checktsd" = "Transformed" ]; then ((offset=9)) echo "tsd: yes, offset = $offset" # but maybe not checkmore=`sed -n 8p $file | awk '{ print $1 }'` if [ "$checkmore" = "Direct" ]; then ((offset=8)) echo "tsd: yes, but anyways using offset $offset" fi else ((offset=8)) echo "tsd: no, offset = $offset" fi while [ "1" ]; do [ $count -gt $ntot ] && break if [ $count -le $nsi ]; then color="Yellow" else color="Gray" fi export color ((gl=offset+count)) line="`sed -n ${gl}p $file`" x=`echo $line | awk '{ print $1 }'` y=`echo $line | awk '{ print $2 }'` z=`echo $line | awk '{ print $3 }'` echo $x $y $z $count | awk '\ BEGIN { x0=ENVIRON["x0"]; y0=ENVIRON["y0"]; z0=ENVIRON["z0"]; x1=ENVIRON["x1"]; y1=ENVIRON["y1"]; z1=ENVIRON["z1"]; X1=ENVIRON["X1"]; X2=ENVIRON["X2"]; X3=ENVIRON["X3"]; Y1=ENVIRON["Y1"]; Y2=ENVIRON["Y2"]; Y3=ENVIRON["Y3"]; Z1=ENVIRON["Z1"]; Z2=ENVIRON["Z2"]; Z3=ENVIRON["Z3"]; radius=ENVIRON["radius"]; scale=ENVIRON["scale"]; color=ENVIRON["color"] x=0; y=0; z=0; xt=0; yt=0; zt=0; i=0; j=0; k=0; } { for(i=-1;i<=1;i++) { for(j=-1;j<=1;j++) { for(k=-1;k<=1;k++) { nx=$1+i; ny=$2+j; nz=$3+k; xt=nx*X1+ny*Y1+nz*Z1; yt=nx*X2+ny*Y2+nz*Z2; zt=nx*X3+ny*Y3+nz*Z3; xt*=scale; yt*=scale; zt*=scale; if((xt>=x0)&&(yt>=y0)&&(zt>=z0)&&\ (xt<=x1)&&(yt<=y1)&&(zt<=z1)) { print "// atom " $4; print "sphere { <"xt","zt","yt">, "radius" "; print "texture { pigment { color " color " } "; print "finish { phong 1 metallic } } }"; } } } } }' >> temp.pov # see, whether there are bonds to draw if [ "$ab" = "0" ]; then echo -en "$count " ((count+=1)) continue fi ((cnt=1)) dobond=no while [ $cnt -le $ab ]; do anr=${anr[$cnt]} if [ $anr -eq $count ]; then dobond=yes break fi ((cnt+=1)) done if [ "$ab" = "-1" ]; then if [ -n "`grep \/\/\ atom\ $count temp.pov`" ]; then dobond=yes fi fi if [ "$dobond" = "no" ]; then echo -en "$count " ((count+=1)) continue; fi # draw bonds ((ic=1)) while [ "1" ]; do [ $ic -gt $count ] && break if [ $ic -eq $count ]; then ((ic+=1)) continue fi ((il=ic+offset)) line="`sed -n ${il}p $file`" xb=`echo $line | awk '{ print $1 }'` yb=`echo $line | awk '{ print $2 }'` zb=`echo $line | awk '{ print $3 }'` echo $x $y $z $xb $yb $zb $cutoff | awk '\ BEGIN { x0=ENVIRON["x0"]; y0=ENVIRON["y0"]; z0=ENVIRON["z0"]; x1=ENVIRON["x1"]; y1=ENVIRON["y1"]; z1=ENVIRON["z1"]; X1=ENVIRON["X1"]; X2=ENVIRON["X2"]; X3=ENVIRON["X3"]; Y1=ENVIRON["Y1"]; Y2=ENVIRON["Y2"]; Y3=ENVIRON["Y3"]; Z1=ENVIRON["Z1"]; Z2=ENVIRON["Z2"]; Z3=ENVIRON["Z3"]; bcr=ENVIRON["bcr"]; scale=ENVIRON["scale"]; } { for(i=-1;i<=1;i++) { for(j=-1;j<=1;j++) { for(k=-1;k<=1;k++) { for(ii=-1;ii<=1;ii++) { for(ij=-1;ij<=1;ij++) { for(ik=-1;ik<=1;ik++) { nx=$1+i; ny=$2+j; nz=$3+k; xt=nx*X1+ny*Y1+nz*Z1; yt=nx*X2+ny*Y2+nz*Z2; zt=nx*X3+ny*Y3+nz*Z3; xt*=scale; yt*=scale; zt*=scale; if((xt>=x0)&&(yt>=y0)&&(zt>=z0)&&\ (xt<=x1)&&(yt<=y1)&&(zt<=z1)) { inx=$4+ii; iny=$5+ij; inz=$6+ik; ixt=inx*X1+iny*Y1+inz*Z1; iyt=inx*X2+iny*Y2+inz*Z2; izt=inx*X3+iny*Y3+inz*Z3; ixt*=scale; iyt*=scale; izt*=scale; dist=sqrt((xt-ixt)^2+(yt-iyt)^2+(zt-izt)^2); #if((xt>=x0)&&(yt>=y0)&&(zt>=z0)&&\ # (xt<=x1)&&(yt<=y1)&&(zt<=z1)) { if(dist<=$7) { print "cylinder {"; print "<"xt","zt","yt">,"; print "<"ixt","izt","iyt">,0.1"; print "pigment { color Blue }"; print "}"; } #} } } } } } } } }' >> temp.pov ((ic+=1)) [ $ic -gt $ntot ] && break; done echo -en "[$count] " ((count+=1)) [ $count -gt $ntot ] && break; done echo # manually drawing the 3x4 boundaries specified by argv ... if [ -n "$bx0" ]; then draw_cyl $bx0 $by0 $bz0 $bx1 $by0 $bz0 draw_cyl $bx0 $by0 $bz0 $bx0 $by1 $bz0 draw_cyl $bx1 $by1 $bz0 $bx1 $by0 $bz0 draw_cyl $bx0 $by1 $bz0 $bx1 $by1 $bz0 draw_cyl $bx0 $by0 $bz1 $bx1 $by0 $bz1 draw_cyl $bx0 $by0 $bz1 $bx0 $by1 $bz1 draw_cyl $bx1 $by1 $bz1 $bx1 $by0 $bz1 draw_cyl $bx0 $by1 $bz1 $bx1 $by1 $bz1 draw_cyl $bx0 $by0 $bz1 $bx0 $by0 $bz0 draw_cyl $bx0 $by1 $bz1 $bx0 $by1 $bz0 draw_cyl $bx1 $by0 $bz1 $bx1 $by0 $bz0 draw_cyl $bx1 $by1 $bz1 $bx1 $by1 $bz0 fi # add camera and light source cat >> temp.pov <<-EOF camera { EOF if [ -n "$ortographic" ]; then cat >> temp.pov <<-EOF orthographic EOF fi cat >> temp.pov <<-EOF location $camloc look_at <$clx,$clz,$clz> } light_source { <0,100,-100> color White shadowless } EOF # mv png $POVRAY temp.pov > /dev/null 2>&1 mv temp.png `dirname $file`/ done echo "done"