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[hackdaworld] hdw perl


i've just started a hdw translation to perl, but more than a
translation it would be a complete rewrite of hdw.

i started defining the way we will handle the complete building system
of hdw.

i just though of several common modules used by the hdw build system
and the scripts.

i plan to use packages confiles like perl modules or include files, so
that they could be loaded by the hdw scripts, as we do currently using
bash source files, but it would be cool to use them not as included
source code, but like loadable modules, which open a wide reach for
hdw scripts.. like a fast parallel building, flexible dependencies
checks and builds, and a lot of things one could imagine using perl.

i am not so skilled in perl, but i am just testing, and i recommend to
add more people to comment how the new hdw build process in perl could
be effective enough.

i've just done some simple things and directory structure, like the
hdw Config file and some "private" hdw build system configurations to
make it more customizable for developers, there is a Check-Config
script which allows to generate new configurations, parse it and
verify consistency and possible mistakes, this is mostly for test
purposes using perl for hdw.

i wil be submitting more new things so u could hear more about this.




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