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34 {\LARGE {\bf Materials Physics II}\\}
39 {\Large\bf Tutorial 2}
42 \section{Critical current in the surface region of a type 1 superconductor}
43 There is an exponential decay of the current in the surface region of
45 For a cylindric wire the equation
47 j_s(r)=j_s(R)\exp\left(\frac{-(R-r)}{\lambda}\right)
50 $R$ is the radius of the wire, $r$ is the distance from the cylinder axis
51 and $\lambda$ is the London penetration depth.
54 \item Derive an expression for the critical current density at the
55 surface of the wire with subject to the critical current $I_c$
56 of the wire. Assume, that the penetration depth $\lambda$ is much
57 smaller than the radius $R$ of the cylinder.
59 Use the relation $I_c=\int_0^R dr \int_0^{2\pi} d\phi \, j_c(r) r$
60 and integration by parts.
61 \item Calculate $j_c(R,T=0K)$ for a wire of Sn with a diameter of 1 mm
63 The critical current and penetration depth at $T=0K$ are
64 $I_c=75\, A$ and $\lambda =300\cdot 10^{-10}\, m$.
67 \section{Penetration of the magnetic field into a type 1 superconductor}
68 In the following, the behaviour of the magnetic field ${\bf B}_s({\bf r})$
69 in the surface layer of a superconductor is calculated.
70 Inside the superconductor the magnetic field is given by
72 {\bf B}_s=\mu_0 \left({\bf H}_a + {\bf M}_s\right)
74 in which ${\bf H}_a$ is the strength of the applied magnetic field and
75 ${\bf M}_s$ is the magnetization of the superconductor.
78 \item Set up the differential equation for ${\bf B}_s$.
80 Use the appropriate Maxwell equation to connect the magnetic field
81 to the generating current densities.
82 What is the value of the current density responsible for the external
83 magnetic field inside the superconductor?
84 Apply the second London equation
85 $\nabla \times {\bf j}_s=-{\bf B}_s/\Lambda$
86 with $\lambda=\sqrt{\Lambda/\mu_0}$
87 relating the supercurrent to the magnetic field.
89 \item Consider a superconducting half space. The interface of the
90 superconductor ($x>0$) and the vacuum ($x<0$) is located at $x=0$.
91 A magnetic field ${\bf B}_a=\mu_0 H_a {\bf e}_z$
92 parallel to the surface is applied.
93 Calculate and sketch the decay of
94 ${\bf B}_s=B_{s_z}(x) {\bf e}_x$
95 in the superconductor.
96 Introduce the London penetration depth $\lambda$.
97 \item Out of this, calculate the screening current density ${\bf j}_s$.
98 What is the direction of the current?
99 Calculate the value of ${\bf j}_s$ at the interface?