]> hackdaworld.org Git - lectures/latex.git/summary
descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file to name it for gitweb.
last changeMon, 4 Jan 2016 23:08:55 +0000 (00:08 +0100)
2016-01-04 hackbardremoved openstack, i didn't do much! master
2015-06-20 hackbardbeta version
2015-06-20 hackbardsec checkin
2015-06-19 hackbardstarted trafo section
2015-06-18 hackbardpolarization + started em theory
2015-06-18 hackbardstarted em theory
2015-06-17 hackbardfinished wave part
2015-06-16 hackbardnewton, now waves!
2015-06-14 hackbardfirst greel philosophers
2015-06-02 hackbardadded light abstract and beginning of talk
2015-04-25 hackbardadded KVM and qemu
2015-04-22 hackbardpd to prof
2015-04-22 hackbardinclude references
2015-04-22 hackbardsmall fixes
2015-04-22 hackbardupdated cv
2015-04-21 hackbardthe mpi publication, finally!
9 years ago master
17 years ago origin