% no vertical centering
% intro
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Model displaying the formation of ordered lamellae
+ \includegraphics[width=8.0cm]{../../nlsop/img/modell_ng_e.eps}
+\item Supersaturation of C in c-Si\\
+ $\rightarrow$ {\bf Carbon induced} nucleation of spherical
+ SiC$_x$-precipitates
+\item High interfacial energy between 3C-SiC and c-Si\\
+ $\rightarrow$ {\bf Amorphous} precipitates
+\item \unit[20-- 30]{\%} lower silicon density of a-SiC$_x$ compared to c-Si\\
+ $\rightarrow$ {\bf Lateral strain} (black arrows)
+\item Implantation range near surface\\
+ $\rightarrow$ {\bf Relaxation} of {\bf vertical strain component}
+\item Reduction of the carbon supersaturation in c-Si\\
+ $\rightarrow$ {\bf Carbon diffusion} into amorphous volumina
+ (white arrows)
+\item Remaining lateral strain\\
+ $\rightarrow$ {\bf Strain enhanced} lateral amorphisation
+\item Absence of crystalline neighbours (structural information)\\
+ $\rightarrow$ {\bf Stabilization} of amorphous inclusions
+ {\bf against recrystallization}
+ Implementation of the Monte Carlo code
+ \item \underline{Amorphization / Recrystallization}\\
+ Ion collision in discretized target determined by random numbers
+ distributed according to nuclear energy loss.
+ Amorphization/recrystallization probability:
+p_{c \rightarrow a}(\vec{r}) = {\color{green} p_b} + {\color{blue} p_c c_C(\vec{r})} + {\color{red} \sum_{\textrm{amorphous neighbours}} \frac{p_s c_C(\vec{r'})}{(r-r')^2}}
+ \item {\color{green} $p_b$} normal `ballistic' amorphization
+ \item {\color{blue} $p_c$} carbon induced amorphization
+ \item {\color{red} $p_s$} stress enhanced amorphization
+p_{a \rightarrow c}(\vec r) = (1 - p_{c \rightarrow a}(\vec r)) \Big(1 - \frac{\sum_{direct \, neighbours} \delta (\vec{r'})}{6} \Big) \, \textrm{,}
+\delta (\vec r) = \left\{
+ 1 & \textrm{if volume at position $\vec r$ is amorphous} \\
+ 0 & \textrm{otherwise} \\
+ \item \underline{Carbon incorporation}\\
+ Incorporation volume determined according to implantation profile
+ \item \underline{Diffusion / Sputtering}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Transfer fraction of C atoms
+ of crystalline into neighbored amorphous volumes
+ \item Remove surface layer
+ \end{itemize}
+ Results
+Evolution of the \ldots
+ \item continuous\\
+ amorphous layer
+ \item a/c interface
+ \item lamella precipitates
+\ldots reproduced!\\[1.5cm]
+Experiment \& simulation\\
+in good agreement\\[1.0cm]
+Simulation is able to model the whole depth region\\[1.0cm]
+ \vspace{-0.2cm}
+ \includegraphics[width=9cm]{../../nlsop/img/dosis_entwicklung_ng_e_1-2.eps}\\
+ \includegraphics[width=9cm]{../../nlsop/img/dosis_entwicklung_ng_e2_2-2.eps}
+ Structural \& compositional details
+ \item Fluctuation of C concentration in lamellae region
+ \item \unit[8--10]{at.\%} C saturation limit
+ within the respective conditions
+ \item Complementarily arranged and alternating sequence of layers\\
+ with a high and low amount of amorphous regions
+ \item C accumulation in the amorphous phase / Origin of stress
+Precipitation process\\
+gets traceable\\
+by simulation!
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