Atomistic simulations on the silicon carbide precipitation in bulk silicon employing both, classical potential and first-principles methods are presented.
-These aime to clarify a controversy concerning the precipitation mechanism as revealed from literature.
+%These aime to clarify a controversy concerning the precipitation mechanism as revealed from literature.
+The calculations aim at a comprehensive, microscopic understanding of the precipitation mechanism in the context of controversial discussions in the literature.
For the quantum-mechanical treatment, basic processes assumed in the precipitation process are calculated in feasible systems of small size.
The migration mechanism of a carbon \hkl<1 0 0> interstitial and silicon \hkl<1 1 0> self-interstitial in otherwise defect-free silicon using density functional theory calculations are investigated.
In contrast, substitutional carbon occurs in all probability.
A long range capture radius has been observed for pairs of interstitial carbon as well as interstitial carbon and vacancies.
A rather small capture radius is predicted for substitutional carbon and silicon self-interstitials.
We derive conclusions on the precipitation mechanism of silicon carbide in bulk silicon and discuss conformability to experimental findings.
Furthermore, results of the accurate first-principles calculations on defects and carbon diffusion in silicon are compared to results of classical potential simulations revealing significant limitations of the latter method.