3C-SiC precipitation\\
% \end{itemize}
\item Peak at 0.3 nm slightly shifted\\[0.05cm]
$\searrow$ \ci{} combinations (dashed arrows)\\
$\nearrow$ \ci{} \hkl<1 0 0> \& {\color{blue}\cs{} combinations} (|)\\
- $\nearrow$ \ci{} pure \cs{} combinations ($\Downarrow$)\\[0.05cm]
+ $\nearrow$ \ci{} pure \cs{} combinations ($\downarrow$)\\[0.05cm]
Range [|-$\downarrow$]: {\color{blue}\cs{} \& \cs{} with nearby \si}
\underline{Si-C bonds:}
\item Vanishing cut-off artifact (above $1650\,^{\circ}\mathrm{C}$)
- \item Structural change: C-Si \hkl<1 0 0> $\rightarrow$ C$_{\text{sub}}$
+ \item Structural change: \ci{} \hkl<1 0 0> DB $\rightarrow$
+ {\color{blue}\cs{}}
\underline{Si-Si bonds:}
{\color{blue}Si-C$_{\text{sub}}$-Si} along \hkl<1 1 0>
\item Peak at 0.3 nm slightly shifted\\[0.05cm]
$\searrow$ \ci{} combinations (dashed arrows)\\
$\nearrow$ \ci{} \hkl<1 0 0> \& {\color{blue}\cs{} combinations} (|)\\
- $\nearrow$ \ci{} pure \cs{} combinations ($\Downarrow$)\\[0.05cm]
+ $\nearrow$ \ci{} pure \cs{} combinations ($\downarrow$)\\[0.05cm]
Range [|-$\downarrow$]: {\color{blue}\cs{} \& \cs{} with nearby \si}
Thanks to \ldots
\item Prof. B. Stritzker
\item Prof. G. Schmidt
\item Dr. E. Rauls
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item PD V. Eyert
+ \item Prof. F. Haider
+ \end{itemize}
-\normalsize\bf Thank you for your attention!
+\Large\bf Thank you for your attention!
-Referees: PD V. Eyert \& Prof. Haider
anyways, in this case,
structural evolution instead of equilibrium properties are matter of interest.
-slide 25
+slide 21
and indeed, promising changes are observed by comparing,
again the radial distribution data for temperatures up to 2050 dc.
increasing values in this range
correpsond to bonds of Cs and another Cs with a nearby Si_i atom.
-slide 26
+slide 22
to conclude, stretched coherent structures of SiC embedded in the Si host
are directly observed.
the high temperatures deviate the system from thermodynamic equilibrium
enabling Ci to turn into Cs.
-slide 27
+slide 23
to summarize and conclude ...
defect structures were described by both methods.
in total, it is my feeling, that cubic SiC precipitation occurs by successive
agglomeration of substitutional C.
-slide 28
+slide 24
finally, I would like to thank all of the people listed on this slide,
categorized by location.