Figure~\ref{fig:defects:comb_db_06} shows the associated configurations.
All investigated structures are preferred compared to isolated, largely separated defects.
-In contrast to C$_{\text{s}}$ this is also valid for positions along \hkl[1 1 0] resulting in an entirely attractive interaction between defects of these types.
+In contrast to C$_{\text{s}}$, this is also valid for positions along \hkl[1 1 0] resulting in an entirely attractive interaction between defects of these types.
Even for the largest possible distance (R) achieved in the calculations of the periodic supercell a binding energy as low as \unit[-0.31]{eV} is observed.
The creation of a vacancy at position 1 results in a configuration of substitutional C on a Si lattice site and no other remaining defects.
The \ci{} DB atom moves to position 1 where the vacancy is created and the \si{} DB atom recaptures the DB lattice site.
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