V_{\text{nl}}(\vec{r}) = \sum_{lm} | lm \rangle V_l(\vec{r}) \langle lm |
\text{ .}
-Applying of the operator $V_{\text{nl}}(\vec{r})$ decomposes the electronic wave functions into spherical harmonics $\mid lm \rangle$, i.e.\ the orbitals with azimuthal angular momentum $l$ and magnetic number $m$, which are then multiplied by the respective pseudopotential $V_l(\vec{r})$ for angular momentum $l$.
+Applying of the operator $V_{\text{nl}}(\vec{r})$ decomposes the electronic wave functions into spherical harmonics $| lm \rangle$, i.e.\ the orbitals with azimuthal angular momentum $l$ and magnetic number $m$, which are then multiplied by the respective pseudopotential $V_l(\vec{r})$ for angular momentum $l$.
The standard generation procedure of pseudopotentials proceeds by varying its parameters until the pseudo eigenvalues are equal to the all-electron valence eigenvalues and the pseudo wave functions match the all-electron valence wave functions beyond a certain cut-off radius determining the core region.
Modified methods to generate ultra-soft pseudopotentials were proposed, which address the rapid convergence with respect to the size of the plane wave basis set \cite{vanderbilt90,troullier91}.