Throughout this work sampling of the BZ is restricted to the $\Gamma$ point.
The calculation is usually two times faster and half of the storage needed for the wave functions can be saved since $c_{i,q}=c_{i,-q}^*$, where the $c_{i,q}$ are the Fourier coefficients of the wave function.
As discussed in section~\ref{subsection:basics:bzs} this does not pose a severe limitation if the supercell is large enough.
-Indeed, it was shown~\cite{dal_pino93} that already for calculations involving only 32 atoms energy values obtained by sampling the $\Gamma$ point differ by less than \unit[0.02]{eV} from calculations using the Baldereschi point~\cite{baldereschi73}, which constitutes a mean-value point in the BZ.
+Indeed, it was shown~\cite{dal_pino93} that already for calculations involving only 32 atoms, energy values obtained by sampling the $\Gamma$ point differ by less than \unit[0.02]{eV} from calculations using the Baldereschi point~\cite{baldereschi73}, which constitutes a mean-value point in the BZ.
Thus, the calculations of the present study on supercells containing $108$ primitive cells can be considered sufficiently converged with respect to the $k$-point mesh.
\subsection{Energy cut-off}