\textsc{High Performance Computing} & POSIX Threads, OpenMP, MPI,
LoadLeveler, Grid Engine\\ %, PBS\\
\textsc{Object oriented programming} & C++, Javascript, Go, Lua\\
-\textsc{Scale-out \& cloud technology} & CEPH, OpenStack, KVM, qemu\\
-\textsc{Monitoring} & Nagios, CheckMK\\
\textsc{Scripting} & Bash, Sed, Awk, Make\\
\textsc{Revision control} & Git, CVS, SVN\\
\textsc{Text, Layout \& Graphics} & LaTeX, GNUPlot, Gimp, XFig,
Inkscape, Openoffice, Povray\\
\textsc{Science} & VASP, ABINIT, Quantum-Espresso, Fhi98PP, APE, VMD\\ %, Mathematica\\
+\textsc{Scale-out \& virtualization} & CEPH, Proxmox VE, KVM, qemu\\
+\textsc{Monitoring} & Nagios, CheckMK\\
\textsc{Others} & Eagle (PCB Design), Xilinx ISE (VHDL Design), GDB\\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs
\textsc{Hochleistungsrechnen} & POSIX Threads, OpenMP, MPI,
LoadLeveler, Grid Engine, PBS\\
\textsc{Objektorientierung} & C++, Javascript, Go, Lua\\
-\textsc{Scale-out \& Cloud} & CEPH, OpenStack, KVM, qemu\\
-\textsc{Monitoring} & Nagios, CheckMK\\
%\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs
\textsc{Skriptsprachen} & Bash, Sed, Awk, Make\\
%\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs
%\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs
\textsc{Wissenschaftlich} & VASP, ABINIT, Quantum-Espresso,
Fhi98PP, APE, VMD\\ %, Mathematica\\
+\textsc{Scale-out \& Virtualisierung} & CEPH, Proxmox VE, KVM, qemu\\
+\textsc{Monitoring } & Nagios, CheckMK\\
\textsc{Andere} & Eagle (Platinenlayout), Xilinx ISE (Entwurf digitaler Logik), GDB\\
\multicolumn{2}{c}{}\\ %this clears the space between two jobs