\underline{C-C bonds:}
\item C-C next neighbour pairs reduced (mandatory)
- \item Peak at 0.3 nm slightly shifted
\item Peak at 0.3 nm slightly shifted\\[0.05cm]
$\searrow$ \ci{} combinations (dashed arrows)\\
$\nearrow$ \ci{} \hkl<1 0 0> \& {\color{blue}\cs{} combinations} (|)\\
{\Huge$\lightning$} {\color{red}\ci{}} --- vs --- {\color{blue}\cs{}} {\Huge$\lightning$}\\
-\item Stretched coherent SiC structures directly observed
+\item Stretched coherent SiC structures directly observed\\
-\cs{} extensively involved in the precipitation mechanism\\
+\cs{} involved in the precipitation mechanism\\
\item Emission of \si{} serves several needs:
\item Vehicle to rearrange \cs --- [\cs{} \& \si{} $\leftrightarrow$ \ci]
\item Low T: highly mobile {\color{red}\ci}
\item High T: stable configurations of {\color{blue}\cs}
High T $\leftrightarrow$ IBS conditions far from equilibrium\\