+%\newrgbcolor{hred}{0.9 0.13 0.13}
+%\newrgbcolor{hblue}{0.13 0.13 0.9}
+\newrgbcolor{hred}{1.0 0.0 0.0}
+\newrgbcolor{hblue}{0.0 0.0 1.0}
% no vertical centering
% intro
{\color{black}Diploma thesis}\\
\underline{Monte Carlo} simulation modeling the selforganization process\\
{\color{black}Doctoral studies}\\
Classical potential \underline{molecular dynamics} simulations \ldots\\
{\bf Limitations related to the short range potential}\\[0.2cm]
Cut-off function limits interaction to next neighbours\\
$\Rightarrow$ Overestimated unphysical high forces of next neighbours
+ (factor: $2.4--3.4$)
-% continue here
-% md support
+% conclusions
-{\color{blue}\bf Stretched structures of SiC in c-Si}
+{\color{gray}\bf Conclusions on SiC precipitation}\\[0.1cm]
+{\Huge$\lightning$} {\color{red}\ci{}} --- vs --- {\color{blue}\cs{}} {\Huge$\lightning$}\\
-\item Consistent to precipitation model involving \cs{}
-\item Explains annealing behavior of high/low T C implants
+\item Stretched coherent SiC structures\\
+$\Rightarrow$ Precipitation process involves {\color{blue}\cs}
+\item Explains annealing behavior of high/low T C implantations
- \item Low T: highly mobiel \ci{}
- \item High T: stable configurations of \cs{}
+ \item Low T: highly mobile {\color{red}\ci}
+ \item High T: stable configurations of {\color{blue}\cs}
+ \end{itemize}
+\item Role of \si{}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Vehicle to rearrange \cs --- [\cs{} \& \si{} $\leftrightarrow$ \ci]
+ \item Building block for surrounding Si host \& further SiC
+ \item Strain compensation \ldots\\
+ \ldots Si/SiC interface\\
+ \ldots Within stretched coherent SiC structure
-$\Rightarrow$ High T $\leftrightarrow$ IBS conditions far from equilibrium\\
-$\Rightarrow$ Precipitation mechanism involving \cs{}
+Precipitation mechanism involving \cs\\
+High T $\leftrightarrow$ IBS conditions far from equilibrium\\
+% skip high T / C conc ... only here!
+% skipped high T / C conc
- {\large\bf
- Summary and Conclusions
- }
- \scriptsize
+ Summary / Outlook
- \underline{Pecipitation simulations}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item High C concentration $\rightarrow$ amorphous SiC like phase
- \item Problem of potential enhanced slow phase space propagation
- \item Low T $\rightarrow$ C-Si \hkl<1 0 0> dumbbell dominated structure
- \item High T $\rightarrow$ C$_{\text{sub}}$ dominated structure
- \item High T necessary to simulate IBS conditions (far from equilibrium)
- \item Precipitation by successive agglomeration of \cs (epitaxy)
- \item \si{}: vehicle to form \cs{} \& supply of Si \& stress compensation
- (stretched SiC, interface)
- \end{itemize}
+{\color{black}Diploma thesis}\\
+ \underline{Monte Carlo} simulation modeling the selforganization process\\
+ leading to periodic arrays of nanometric amorphous SiC precipitates
- \underline{Defects}
- \begin{itemize}
- \item DFT / EA
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Point defects excellently / fairly well described
- by DFT / EA
- \item C$_{\text{sub}}$ drastically underestimated by EA
- \item EA predicts correct ground state:
- C$_{\text{sub}}$ \& \si{} $>$ \ci{}
- \item Identified migration path explaining
- diffusion and reorientation experiments by DFT
- \item EA fails to describe \ci{} migration:
- Wrong path \& overestimated barrier
- \end{itemize}
- \item Combinations of defects
- \begin{itemize}
- \item Agglomeration of point defects energetically favorable
- by compensation of stress
- \item Formation of C-C unlikely
- \item C$_{\text{sub}}$ favored conditions (conceivable in IBS)
- \item \ci{} \hkl<1 0 0> $\leftrightarrow$ \cs{} \& \si{} \hkl<1 1 0>\\
- Low barrier (\unit[0.77]{eV}) \& low capture radius
- \end{itemize}
- \end{itemize}
+{\color{black}Doctoral studies}\\
+ Classical potential \underline{molecular dynamics} simulations \ldots\\
+ \underline{Density functional theory} calculations \ldots\\[0.2cm]
+ \ldots on defect formation and SiC precipitation in Si
-\framebox{Precipitation by successive agglomeration of \cs{}}
+{\color{black}\bf How to proceed \ldots}\\[0.1cm]
+MC $\rightarrow$ classical potential MD $\rightarrow$ Ground-state DFT \ldots
+ \renewcommand\labelitemi{$\ldots$}
+ \item beyond LDA/GGA methods
+Investigation of structure \& structural evolution \ldots
+ \renewcommand\labelitemi{$\ldots$}
+ \item electronic/optical properties
+ \item electronic correlations
+ \item non-equilibrium systems