\chapter{Basic principles of utilized simulation techniques}
-In the following the simulation methods used within the scope of this study are introduced.
+In the following, the simulation methods used within the scope of this study are introduced.
Enabling the investigation of the evolution of structure on the atomic scale, molecular dynamics (MD) simulations are chosen for modeling the behavior and precipitation of C introduced into an initially crystalline Si environment.
To be able to model systems with a large amount of atoms computational efficient classical potentials to describe the interaction of the atoms are most often used in MD studies.
For reasons of flexibility in executing this non-standard task and in order to be able to use a novel interaction potential~\cite{albe_sic_pot}, an appropriate MD code called \textsc{posic}\footnote{\textsc{posic} is an abbreviation for {\bf p}recipitation {\bf o}f {\bf SiC}} including a library collecting respective MD subroutines was developed from scratch\footnote{Source code: http://www.physik.uni-augsburg.de/\~{}zirkelfr/posic}.
Approximations that consider a truncated Hilbert space of single-particle orbitals yield promising results, however, with increasing complexity and demand for high accuracy the amount of Slater determinants to be evaluated massively increases.
In contrast, instead of using the description by the many-body wave function, the key point in density functional theory (DFT) is to recast the problem to a description utilizing the charge density $n(\vec{r})$, which constitutes a quantity in real space depending only on the three spatial coordinates.
-In the following sections the basic idea of DFT will be outlined.
+In the following sections, the basic idea of DFT will be outlined.
As will be shown, DFT can formally be regarded as an exactification of the Thomas Fermi theory~\cite{thomas27,fermi27} and the self-consistent Hartree equations~\cite{hartree28}.
A nice review is given in the Nobel lecture of Kohn~\cite{kohn99}, one of the inventors of DFT.
\nabla_{{\bf r}_i} E = \frac{1}{2} \big[ \sum_j ( \nabla_{{\bf r}_i} V_{ij} + \nabla_{{\bf r}_i} V_{ji} ) + \sum_k \sum_j \nabla_{{\bf r}_i} V_{jk} \big] \textrm{ .}
-In the following all the necessary derivatives to calculate $\nabla_{{\bf r}_i} E$ are written down.
+In the following, all the necessary derivatives to calculate $\nabla_{{\bf r}_i} E$ are written down.
\section[Derivative of $V_{ij}$ with respect to ${r}_i$]{\boldmath Derivative of $V_{ij}$ with respect to ${\bf r}_i$}
This is considered useful since the estimated evolution of quality in the absence of the cooling down sequence in figure~\ref{fig:md:tot_si-c_q} predicts an increase in quality and, thus, structural evolution is likely to occur if the simulation is proceeded at maximum temperature.
Next to the employment of longer time scales and a maximum temperature a few more changes are applied.
-In the following simulations the system volume, the amount of C atoms inserted and the shape of the insertion volume are modified from the values used in first MD simulations.
+In the following simulations, the system volume, the amount of C atoms inserted and the shape of the insertion volume are modified from the values used in first MD simulations.
To speed up the simulation the initial simulation volume is reduced to 21 Si unit cells in each direction and 5500 inserted C atoms in either the whole volume or in a sphere with a radius of 3 nm corresponding to the size of a precipitate consisting of 5500 C atoms.
The \unit[100]{ps} sequence after C insertion intended for structural evolution is exchanged by a \unit[10]{ns} sequence, which is hoped to result in the occurrence of infrequent processes and a subsequent phase transition.
The return to lower temperatures is considered separately.
Type 3 (Fig.~\ref{fig:simulation:sc3}) contains 4 primitive cells with 8 atoms and corresponds to the unit cell shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:sic:unit_cell}.
The basis is simple cubic.
-In the following an overview of the different simulation procedures and respective parameters is presented.
+In the following, an overview of the different simulation procedures and respective parameters is presented.
These procedures and parameters differ depending on whether classical potentials or {\em ab initio} methods are used and on what is going to be investigated.
\section{DFT calculations}